SM16 Admin login locked out
Problem reported by network admin - 6/19/2017 at 7:46 AM
Was logged in as Admin.  Got kicked out.  No changed to account but now it shows locked out.  Went through the whole process of stopping the mail service, and IIS site.  Edit the mailconfig xml file in an elevated process.  Deleted the sysadmin lines. 
FIXED by copying the original mailConfig_bak.xml as mailConfig.xml  restarted mail service.  What a nightmare.
BROKEN  20 minutes later it locked me out again.  Downgraded from latest release.  STILL CANT GET IN.  Looking for new email server software cause I can't have this nonsense.

6 Replies

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network admin Replied
Ok so fixing this is obviously frustrating.  Really simple. Once you get back in as the sysadmin user.  Add another secondary sysadmin.  Give them all the rights and stop using this useless account.  
network admin Replied
Problems seem to only occur during re-syncing between the host server and the fail-over server.  Three symptoms.  
1.  Time out and disconnects
2.  Apparent loss of admin passwords and the account acts totally locked out
3.  Popup windows (e.g. virus quarantine) allowing you to see the txt or header kicks back with a login screen.  Most of the time this is fixed by doing a refresh on the spool management page.   
I don't have any idea why this is such a problem and would love to know if anyone else can replicate the problem.  After adding secondary Admins have not had any trouble since.
network admin Replied
And to add further to this idiocy I got locked out of my secondary account.  Logged in as admin - successfully to my shock and amazement.  Changed the password on my secondary account successfully, which by the way has NO place to enter a recovery email address.  Made sure to add the IP network to restrict access to my internal network only.  Saved again.  Logged out.  And still told me that my username and password were wrong.  Rinse and repeat.  The IP network restriction did not show up.  Carefully repeated.  Still would not let me log in.  Had to DELETE the secondary admin account and recreate at just to log in.  
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Just wanted to provide an update on this thread... After reviewing this more with the Support Department, it was found that the administrator account logout was caused by the App Pool recycling too frequently. With that change, the issue has been resolved and are now working as expected.
network admin Replied
The only indication that there is an issue with this is a combination of the SM16 Error log - Host Environment is shutting down application.
The IIS logs show a recycle event at that point as well.

Default APP Pool recycle in IIS is set to a time interval of X minutes (I think it was 1740 minutes) I changed the Pool Recycle interval from 29 hours to always recycle at a specific time - off hours 0100am seems to work very well. Have not had a repeat since changing this setting.

I have to credit Rod and Andrea for really going above and beyond with this issue and helping teach a very frustrated customer some additional skills and keep the focus on what is needed to fix the problem.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the feedback!

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