SM16 Chat popup even while chat is open..?
Question asked by michael~ - 6/2/2017 at 11:54 AM
Heyhey --
I just installed a v16 demo to test things out.  So far so good, but here's a minor thing.
Isn't it kind of silly, and sometimes annoying, to have a Chat notification popup while the chat window is open?
And a semi-related question, how long are chat transcripts saved?  Where are they stored?  Can they be deleted by the user or admin?
-- michael~

5 Replies

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michael~ Replied
Ooo!  And another question:  Wouldn't it be neat if there were an option to popup the chat window itself on an incoming chat?  Once the browser notification goes away, there's no way to know if there's a chat request waiting unless you're looking at the SM tab.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Michael. I can see your point, but what if the live chat window is behind another browser window..or on another display, or minimized? You wouldn't know about a live chat without the browser notification. I, for one, am not always looking at the chat window so getting the notification is great for me in those circumstances...

As for chat transcripts, those are stored/available from the chat window indefinitely. I just downloaded and opened one and it goes back to 2014.

In last week's minor build we re-introduced chat history search for domain admins. That's available with archiving and stores everything forever.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Not a bad idea..we'll add it to our discussion list.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
michael~ Replied
Valid point about the notification.. I've seen other chat clients change the bg color of the taskbar icon (or make it "blink") when a new message comes in. Not sure if that would be possible with browser-based chat tho..

I found the chat search function; thanks for the heads up on that. Took a bit to realize each row is clickable to see the whole chat.. hah! But yes, that will help (boss would want to monitor what employees are using chat for).
michael~ Replied
Woohoo! I had a good suggestion! yay me!

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