BUG: SM16 svcUserAdmin.GetUserQuotas MaxSpace Returns Overstated Values
Problem reported by Shaun Peet - 5/29/2017 at 7:07 AM
When using the svcUserAdmin service and calling GetUserQuotas, the value provided in the MaxSpace property is multiplied by 1024 compared to the value returned in previous versions of SmarterMail.
This value had always been in "bytes" so even if it's in bits now it should be multiplied by 8 and not 1024.  But I'm guessing it should still be bytes and it's just a bug somewhere.
I've checked the limits of the mailboxes in the web interface and they all show correct limits (ie 100 MB).  It's just the aforementioned web method returning 107,374,182,400 bytes for a 100 MB mailbox (100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024).

4 Replies

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Shaun Peet Replied
This is still happening with the latest minor release from June 2.
Shaun Peet Replied
This bug still exists in Version 16.0.6369 (June 9).
Shaun Peet Replied
This bug still exists in Version 16.0.6376 (Jun 16, 2017).
Since this is coming from the old web services - are the plans to fix issues with them or only focus on functionality in the new API?
Shaun Peet Replied
Bump.  This still exists in version 16.0.6390 from June 30.  This seems like one of those low-hanging fruit kind-of fixes :)

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