Add an Option to Disable Auto-load of Images in Preview Pane
Idea shared by Jeff Wilson - 4/27/2017 at 10:28 AM
Recently updated to the BETA and users are starting to have a few questions that I can't figure out.  
1.Can you disable the auto-display/loading of images in emails? 
2. Can the layout be changed as far as being able to list the emails up top and preview pane below.
3. Safari doesn't display the login, just a blank page.
(If there is a FAQ that I overlooked my bad.)
Thank you!

18 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Jeff,
Thanks for reaching out! I'm happy to help answer your questions. Safari is definitely a supported browser and should be working as expected. Can you provide details on your Mac OS and Safari version number? On a Mac running 10.12.4, and using Safari on version 10.1, I was able to see the login page as expected.
Also, the abilities to disable / move the preview pane and prevent images from loading in the user interface have been removed in SmarterMail 16.x. Instead, users will find a crisp, clean and secure user interface. Check out some before and after shots to see how 16.x improves the overall look and feel of SmarterMail and why we felt this was a change in the right direction:
SmarterMail 15.x
SmarterMail 16.x (using Dark Theme)
Thank you for the reply. I'll update the version etc of Safari shortly. A customer experienced it along with myself. I have not tried with the latest release.

Could you let me know about if it's possible to not auto-display images within emails?

Thank you!

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Jeff, thanks for the report. I've forwarded that information to the SmarterTrack team. In SmarterMail 16.x, images will always display in the message view automatically if they are attached in-line. Users cannot prevent images from auto-displaying within an email.
Thanks Andrea! I still owe you specifics for Safari but is there a way to request to have that feature added back to 16? I know it's a feature our customers enjoy from v15.
Not really fair comparing a 15.x screenshot with no preview pane to a 16.x screenshot with one...  ;-)
But more seriously, some users might want this feature:
as it protects your privacy by keeping senders (spammers) from knowing whether you've opened an email. Also, I suppose an an image could contain a virus or malware.
I like how some email systems work -- if the sender is in your Contacts (trusted), the image loads. Otherwise, you're prompted.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi guys,
I can see the value in disabling images in the message content view -- either for speed or security, but this functionality won't make it into the production release of 16.0. That said, it's possible that it could be included in a minor version update. 
I'm going to change this thread from a question to a Proposed Idea, which will allow other users to add their input and help to facilitate tracking for your request. I'm also going to move it out of the SmarterMail 16.x BETA category and into the standard SmarterMail category so it's not lost when we close down the BETA threads after the release. 
Thanks for your participation in the BETA! We do appreciate the feedback.
I'd like to throw in my support for this feature..  It's a default feature in gmail, outlook, yahoo, et al, and obviously very handy for reasons stated.  Thanks
How unfortunate and disappointing that Preview Pane can't be hidden or turned off. I have always found that when you get spam or phishing mail they track if you "open" the email, by making the email automatically open that bypasses that security. I normally don't open emails that "look" phony, now I have no choice. I may have to go back to version 15
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for your feedback! These features are now tentatively planned for a 'major' minor release, such as 16.1 or 16.2. We'll be looking to disable images in messages from remote senders until otherwise accepted and bring back the option to disable or move the preview pane.
Thanks again for your participation on this thread, and stay tuned for 16.1.
Andrea, glad to hear our feedback can results in product improvements!
Instead of using a global on/off switch to show images, here's an idea for a deluxe implementation:
When the user clicks "show images" on a message, ask if they want to add to Contacts or Trusted Senders. So when they return to that message or get a new message from that sender, images are automatically displayed.
So for your daily email from Kohl's, images are shown automatically without having to click. But for spam and email marketing, images won't show by default.
Thunderbird does this nicely with 2 links:
- show remote content for this message
- allow remote content from this sender (this and future messages)
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Just wanted to let everyone know this is in the 16.1 release coming out tomorrow. You will be able to allow per email within the preview pane, or add an exception for that sender. There's also a way to show remote content by default in Account Settings AND an exceptions list that is filled out automatically when you add an exception from the preview pane, or you can manually add in your own email addresses and domains as well. 
Shoot, I almost forgot: the preview pane changes will be in 16.1 as well: you'll be able to set the default in Account Settings, but you'll also have the ability to change it on-the-fly from the preview area: right, bottom or "none"...
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek, good stuff. Glad you were able to incorporate my suggestion to allow all emails from a particular sender to show remote content.

One question -- is this 'exception list' another list of contacts and domains to maintain? It would be better to just use Contacts or Trusted Senders which we already have. Creating another list for the user to maintain adds to the complexity.
Suggestion: instead of creating a 3rd list for exceptions, just add a checkbox to Contacts (or Trusted Senders) that says:
[  ]  Automatically load remote images
And have it get checked automatically when the user clicks show images in a message.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Contacts and Trusted Senders are automatically excluded from blocking remote content.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ok, so that's perfect. No need for a 3rd list to maintain exceptions.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Just to be clear: there IS an exceptions list that *can* be managed if necessary. Whether you want to edit that or add to it is up to you. Most people, since contacts and trusted senders are allowed by default, will never have to review or edit that list as it is.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
True, but seems like a 3rd list adds extra complexity -- you have to write code to edit the list, users aren't going to understand it, etc.

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