"Watch" a ticket
Idea shared by Jacob Colton - 2/17/2017 at 9:41 AM
We currently use Kayako and they have a great function that allows you to "watch" a ticket. You simply click the watch button and all replies to the ticket are emailed to you. Would be great to see this in SmarterTrack.

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Jacob.  You could achieve the same behavior in SmarterTrack using the Event system.  You can create an event to send you an email whenever an incoming ticket message is received.  I hope this helps.
Unfortunately this is not what I am after, I only want it for specific tickets. Example use case, a exciting new sales lead comes in and a manager wants to keep an eye on that ticket and be emailed the replies from the sales agent and the potential customer, they press "watch" and they are emailed all responses back and forth on that ticket. It is effectively a very quick way to setup the event you mention. Actually setting up an event in this case would be much too complex and time consuming.
Nice feature, same with ICT, the big tickets need to be monitored.
Just wondering it there was any update on this functionality / any other way to achieve it?

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