email smtp sequence when receiving server holds both domain names
Question asked by Davin Smyth - 11/16/2016 at 10:00 AM
Thanks for reading this post.
I am just wanting to check my understanding when a remote server emails my smartermail server and emails two clients which reside under different domain names on the server.
Remote server receives email from client
checks if email is local or remote, in this example remote.
resolves mx server for first email, initiates connection and sends email to remote server.
Then resolves second address and sends the email to the same server in this example.
We had the example above where one client got the email and the other did not, we checked delivery and smtp logs and only the first email address got an initiated connection in and email delivered successfully, nothing for the 2nd email that resides on our server which definitely was cc'd.
we presume remote email server had a failure on email and didnt send to second person.
The client resent email 3 hours later as a FWD and it came through.

can someone verify if our understanding of email send and MTA function  is correct.
we use
smarter mail enterprise 15.3

2 Replies

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User Replied
Hello Davin. You are correct in your description of the process followed to relay mail in this scenario. As to the failure of the second recipient - is this message still showing on the Spool Dashboard found at Manage>Spool>All Messages - and if so, what information is displaying about the message? This dashboard is a great place to start when messages fail to send, as it will show an error or other notification indicating the cause of failure, or current status of the transmission. From there I recommend reviewing both the SMTP/Delivery logs for information pertaining to this thread. One additional item I want to suggest, is configuring one of your SmarterMail DNS server entries to point to Google Public DNS ( as DNS failures can lead to delivery failures as well. If you continue to experience these issues going forward, please submit a support ticket so we can investigate these issues further and make recommendations as to your deployment. Thanks for reading! Have a great day!
Davin Smyth Replied
Hi, the reason we were checking the sequence as our server was receiving the email from an external email server (not ours) the two clients were emailed who reside on our SM server, but only the one got it, so i presume the MTA on their end is not sending to the second address
Smarter Mail v13.3

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