Duplicate calendar appointments
Problem reported by Jack Cobb - 8/11/2016 at 12:51 PM
We are using SmarterMail 15.2.6039 and users using ActiveSync to communicate with the server have recently started to see accepted meeting requests showing up as duplicates on the calendar whether on the SmarterMail web interface or within Outlook 2016.  However, users with iPhones or Android smartphones are not seeing these duplicate appointments.  Any ideas on what is causing this or what can be done about it?  Thanks.

5 Replies

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Marc Funaro Replied
I am having this same issue - sometimes three different instances of the same appointment appear, when others are invited. Ever get a solution?
Jack Cobb Replied
Unfortunately we still have not found an answer and the issue remains. We have also stayed current with SmarterMail releases when they are released.
Marc Funaro Replied
I think i may have found it, though I am using Outlook 2007 <> SmarterMail <> TouchDown

I turned off a setting in Outlook to automatically accept meeting requests, some time ago, thinking that would solve it, but didn't.

Today, I poked around in my SmarterMail webmail settings... and found a checkbox under My Settings > Calendar Settings labeled "Add invites as tentative appointments". I have to test it yet, but that was on, so I turned it off. Would make sense that invites from anyone else would end up in my webmail inbox and get approved, and that approval would get sync'd to all my devices unseen (unless you're in the calendar) and then get approved again when I manually did it in outlook later. Meeting UPDATE requests even made the issue worse. Hoping it's fixed... and hope this helps!
Jack Cobb Replied
I made this change on my SmarterMail webmail settings and then sent myself a meeting invite from my gmail account and this time only one calendar entry was visible in Outlook. Will continue to monitor this but looks like you found the solution. Thanks for your help!
Marc Funaro Replied
Cool! keep me posted.

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