Ability to Add Custom Text to Incoming Emails
Idea shared by Brent Schroeder - 6/27/2016 at 12:19 PM
[Previous title: How do you create warning message for all incoming external emails?]
I would like to add a line to any email coming from a domain other than our own with a message similar to the following:

WARNING: This email originated outside of OurCompany.

DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Ideally this would be above the actual message, so its the first thing you see when opening an email from any outside network

I have tried using 'Events' to complete this, but there is no action available to add to the message.  Is there any built in way to accomplish this?

17 Replies

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Employee Replied
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Hey Brent!
Unfortunately, I don't know of a good way of adding a message to the tops of emails... One thing you could do though is add a prefix to the subject using content filtering. You wouldn't want to enter that entire line, as it'll make the subject pretty long, but something like "External Email" might work. For this, you would set your condition to 'From specific domains' and on the next page, choose 'Does not match' and enter your domain. Then set the action as 'Prefix Subject'. 
I wonder if other users might like to see this functionality as well. I could change this thread from a Question to a Proposed Idea to facilitate a feature request. What functionality would you like to see? We could potentially add this to the Events or Content Filtering section -- something that would add a message to incoming emails, either as a prefix to the message or as a footer. 
Make it a proposal, please.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Yes, please make it a proposal. I have been seeing this more often recently from companies we do business with. I think it's a great & simple way to get users to be a bit more vigilant in opening attachments etc.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I've changed this over from a Question to a Proposed Idea. What are your thoughts on how this functionality should be added? Would you prefer to see it in the Content Filtering or Events section? The developers would have a discussion about this, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Insert disclaimer when attachments are included from a list of domains which are not in an exception list. EG: AOL would probably be included because so many people are corrupting / infecting their accounts.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
One note, if I may, with regards to where to insert the note: care should be taken where an how the disclaimer is inserted so as to not ruin the formatting / display of the emails. We`ve had a similar function with another email solution which was inserting a custom disclaimer to emails passing though and depending on the email client used to compose the mails, the formatting would be destroyed in certain cases (probably since the disclaimer was added when the mail passed through the server and probably HTML tags were not properly closed).
This feature would be very nice to have, so looking forward to hearing something new about it!
I believe I initially looked in the Events to try finding this functionality, so that is apparently where I thought it should be. I think either of these places, or even somewhere in the security section would be fine. If you know what your trying to do, those would be the places you would look.
The disclaimer would ideally be on more than just messages with attachments, as messages with links can be just as dangerous. Maybe default for all messages from outside domains, but give the option of an exception list to add other trusted domains.
One of the things I see most frequently is a message from the "IT Department" claiming that your account is about to expire, and asks you to click a link to update your credentials. The link goes to a page that may have your company logo and everything on it. If there was a bold Red message above this that says its from an outside source, hopefully it would fool less people.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Great, thanks for the input everyone! Feel free to add more. When our developers discuss this possibility, it'll be good to have different ideas to throw around :) 
It would be nice to be able to edit the text with html tags if the message received is html (ie. bold, underline, colors, etc).
Cross posting for reference : This was just brought up again
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
Any Update on this? It's been 4 years and have a client requesting this feature...
Ability to add a customized disclaimer at top of email would be great. 
WARNING: This email originated outside of OurCompany use caution. 

you can use domain content filters to append to the start of the subject. I guess we're asking to be able to also use the domain content filters to append to the start of the email body in html. 
Declude from MailsBestFriend.com can do this for you today, and could have done so 4 years ago.  And for a limited time, it is essentially free. 
Is Declude now fully supported in v17 SM?
Yes.  They have instructions for avoiding trouble.  I am running a post-mapibuild on my incoming gateway and planning to move to newest build soon
Is this functionality added into smartermail as we have one of our client which needs the caution message to be added to the mails originating form external domains. We are not able to use this functionality in smartermail version 14.7. Please let me know about the status.

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