CC/BCC on New Manually Created "Incoming" Tickets
Idea shared by Ben Santiardo - 6/17/2016 at 7:14 AM
When creating a ticket manually within the ST Management Interface, an agent has the option of marking the ticket as "Incoming". If they do this, the CC and BCC fields vanish.
The issue with that is that sometimes an agent is creating a ticket on behalf of someone else (usually someone to lazy to send an e-mail to the helpdesk) and assigning it to another agent that has more knowledge of the problem. However the original agent also would like to stay in-the-loop and receive any response e-mails sent regarding the ticket. We used to use another older system that allowed us to add "viewers" to a ticket so they received update notifications, but ST doesn't have that option.
We tried adding multiple E-Mail addresses to the "From" box, but it converts ";" to "," and treats the entry as a single e-mail address (which makes sense since you can only receive an e-mail from a single source). However, I don't see why there could not be a CC box still available, where the agent can add other e-mail addresses that should be in-the-loop when someone replies to a ticket.
So in short (I know too late), we request that the CC box not be hidden when selecting the "Incoming" checkbox on a new manually created ticket so as to allow us to add addition e-mail addresses to a ticket for replies.
Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst
Eastern Suffolk BOCES

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This is still an issue for us but there has been no response from SmarterTools. Any idea if this will even be considered?
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES

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