create a delivery request
Idea shared by Simone Carrara - 5/16/2016 at 1:21 PM
I am a system user "SmarterTools" of you through the ITM Networks (Brazil).
I use Microsoft Outlook 2007 (MO) to send and receive emails. I have used my account: mamadoc@bol.com.br because the MO to send an email I can request a "delivery confirmation" in which the BOL returns me an email stating that the sent email has been delivered to the recipient.

Unfortunately, the same does not happen when I use my account: contato@mamadoc.com.br.

Because the system does not return you an email stating that the sent email has been delivered.

For me it is very important to know if my client received my email with my budget.

There is the option to "read request", but many clients do not support the reading, so the "delivery request" becomes an important tool.

I believe that implementing this option of "delivery request" would be interesting to many users.

Here is my suggestion.

Best Regards
Simone Carrara

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