Date format is incorrect
Problem reported by James Organ - 4/21/2016 at 5:55 PM
Not A Problem
Our servers are setup for Australia (en-AU) but all the dates are shown in US format. When I run the Self Diagnostic the Locale Settings are showing as USA as shown below.
How can this be resolved.
Locale Settings
Info OS Locale - en-US - English (United States)
Info Current Locale - en-US - English (United States)
Info CurrentUI Locale - en-US - English (United States)
Date Format - 4/22/2016
Info Time Format - 10:49 AM

4 Replies

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Michael Feldbauer Replied
Hi, did you ever get an outcome for this issue ?
Michael Feldbauer Replied
Hi, did you ever get an outcome for this issue
Software Operations Replied
This bug persists.  We also would like to know how to get the default Locale correct to match our users.

Our NZ servers are configured for "English (New Zealand)"

Command prompt:
     >systeminfo | findstr Locale
     System Locale:             en-nz;English (New Zealand)

Yet the SmarterMail web application diagnostic form lists the OS Locale (incorrectly?) as en-US:

System Locale Settings
OS Locale - en-US - English (United States)
OS Date Format - 2/15/2019
OS Time Format - 7:00 AM
OS Default Encoding - Western European (Windows), iso-8859-1
OS Time Zone - (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington

Where does SmarterMail obtain it's described 'OS Locale' from?

This only started when we updated from SmarterMail v15 to v16.

Every other application on the same server uses the international format.    

Note: Worldwide, the only significant users of the outlier MDY format are the USA & Philippines.  5.5 billion people do not use MDY.

Was there a resolution to get the system locale matching?
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
In SmarterStats, the date and time formats are controlled by the Current Locale and Current UI Locale. When possible, SmarterStats sets these values based on the language specified by your browser. In browsers that support multiple languages, the language listed first in your settings will generally be the one that SmarterStats will use.

Software Operations - For help with your issue, please check in the SmarterMail category. If you don't find anything there, feel free to start a new thread under that category.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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