How to disable Autoforward option for users?
Idea shared by devang - 4/12/2016 at 6:12 AM
is the there a way to disable Autoforward option for users which can be enable disable by Domain Admin?
This is required due to security concern 

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Employee Replied
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Hi Dev,
At this time there's not a setting available to disable automatic forwarding for users. It can be done via the Forwarding tab in a user's Account Settings or by copying/rerouting a message to another account with content filtering. However, using custom CSS at the system level, you can hide these options for every domain.
As the System Admin, go to Settings > Personalization > Custom CSS tab. To hide the Forwarding tab when a user goes to their Account Settings, enter the following line of code: 
#ctl00_TPH_TabStrip_tabForward { display:none; }
Now, when it comes to content filtering, this is a little tricky. While you can remove a user's ability to select Copy or Reroute Message when using content filtering, there's not a way I can find to completely hide those fields. If content filter is not needed for your users, you can disable the functionality as a whole by editing the domains and disabling Content Filtering on the Features tab. Otherwise, enter these lines of code in your Custom CSS to disable the Copy and Reroute content filtering actions:
#ctl00_MPH_chkActionCopy { display:none; }

#ctl00_MPH_txtActionCopyAddress { display:none; }

#ctl00_MPH_txtActionForward { display:none; }

#ctl00_MPH_txtActionForwardAddress { display:none; }
With those lines of CSS, your content filtering actions page will look like the image below. You can see that users won't be able to select or enter an address for copying or rerouting a message. (The checkbox and text box have been hidden.) Unfortunately, I can't find a way to completely hide the text. Someone with more knowledge of CSS may be able to accomplish that though...
In the meantime, I hope this helps you out. I'll change this thread from a Question to a Proposed Idea though. It'd be more ideal to have a setting to disable a user's ability to automatically forward messages, I'm sure. 
Hello Andrea,
Thanks for your response ! 
Is it possible for Domain Administrator to add email forwarding for few selective users post if we follow above scenario? 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I've found that if you have a forwarding address entered before the field is hidden, it will still forward the email. If you create those selected users first, you can enter a forwarding address for each of them before applying the custom CSS for everyone else. I assume the same would be true for using the content filtering forward as well.  
customer will keep adding  autoforward option for new users and removing autoforward for old user as and when required and same option should be available to them, do you think this will be workable after do the steps? 
Employee Replied
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If I understand correctly, you're saying that users will sometimes need this access added or revoked? You potentially could.. If you waited until after-hours or during a low-peak period when webmail is not being accessed, you could remove the CSS and add or remove forwarding addresses as necessary.
I'd also like to see the option of disabling forwarding on a per domain basis, or even an entire server basis.  Thanks!
I'd also like to see a report somewhere that I can run to see which users have forwarding enabled.
Any luck on this?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi everyone,
The concerns with automated forwarding have been addressed in SmarterMail 17.x, which is currently in BETA. In this version, a domain's configuration settings now include "Automated Forwarding" on the Features card, so you can enable/disable this feature per domain. When enabled, Domain Administrators will also have the ability to toggle the "Enable Automated Forwarding" setting for each user account. When that user setting is disabled, users will not see the Forwarding card in the Account Settings. 
In addition, we've added logging in the Administrative log that indicates when a user has enabled automated forwarding and when their automated forwarding permissions have been enabled. 
When Smartermail 17.x will be released? 
HI !
This subject has been discussed before - 3 years ago.

And as i posted then, part of the issues is email ownership. Once an email is forwarded off a domain to someone's private email account, you may need court orders to get the email back. One of our clients fired their Executive Director. She suspected this was going to happen and set up her email account to forward everything off to gmail, and then delete all of the the contect from her org email. She also did this for other staff as well (set up forwarding of their email to her private email account) It took us a while to discover this because there was no easy way to figure out what accounts are using forwarding.
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Employee Replied
Employee Post
The latest version of SmarterMail, Build 6911 (Dec 3, 2018), includes the ability to disable automated forwarding for user accounts. In this version, a domain's configuration settings now include "Automated Forwarding" on the Features card, so Administrators can enable/disable this feature per domain. When enabled, Domain Administrators will also have the ability to toggle the "Enable Automated Forwarding" setting for each user account. When that user setting is disabled, users will not see the Forwarding card in the Account Settings. This setting is also available on the User Defaults templates, allowing system and Domain Administrators to propagate that functionality across all users. 
In addition, we've added logging in the Administrative log that indicates when a user has enabled automated forwarding and when their automated forwarding permissions have been enabled.
Is there any option for multiple forward from single email ,   I have more client using this option. I just upgrade from 15.7 to 6928 ( Dec 20 2018 build )

I just include multiple email forwarding address field got error message "This is not a valid email address."

Earlier version we can just include multiple email via coma (  , )  for multiple email include

I tried many option like empty space each email , comma and semicolon , Not works either of the method.

look forward solution


Employee Replied
Employee Post
Binesh, there is a fix in the next release of SmarterMail that addresses multiple forwarding addresses.  There was an error in the conversion process that was only taking one forwarding address.  For existing users, you can add multiple addresses as the image below shows.  They can be added in User Settings > Account > Forwarding.

Great to hear. We had this call yesterday and spent time trying to figure it out. Letting the team know and to let our client know the fix will be in the next update. :)
Is there any fall back procedure to go back 16.3 version or 15.7 version.  Seems to more bug on latest Dec 20 build. like browser issue noticed many of clients.  If we already allowed browser notification in google chrome not showing allowed status where as firefox an edge able to view allowed status .  Similarly multiple forward from old setup not able to view or see existing mail account.  where I can edit existing old forwards ?
I tried fall back to previous  version cause me password to change all email address.  
Let me know how to fall back previous version without changing all email accounts password 

Being v17 ads many new features I cannot see any restore working. The only option (which isn't an option) would be a delete everything and restoring from backup which means lost mail.
Finally I have no choice and enter hundreds of emails address manually enter into forward list. Seems to be major bug ,  Should have fall back procedure without loosing vital data. I think Smartermail look GRC perspective all business need Fall back procedure so that customer won't suffer any upgrade.  I hope smartermail team should understand , Fall back procedure should vital part every business
Hi Andrea,

I did the customization CSS in the past, now I want to delete but the personalização disapear from the SYSTEM ADMIN » Setting menu.

Can you help to find where that information was saved?



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