User custom field should flow to ticket form
Idea shared by Christopher Roman - 2/17/2016 at 10:49 AM
Wondering if it's possible to prefill custom fields on a custom ticket form based on values entered into a custom field for a registered user with email. We have a custom field for each registered user that indicates which region they belong to. We then have a custom field on a Ticket form that asks for what region they belong to. It would be great if they don't have to choose it every time and have it pre-filled, just like their name and email address.

3 Replies

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Excellent idea we have a similar case by us ... 
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Apologies for the delay on this ticket; I'm seeing it for the first time because of Yannick's reply. This functionality is not available in SmarterTrack at the moment, but I agree it would be of value. I'm changing this thread from a Question to an Idea so we can facilitate tracking on this feature request. 
Thank you!
Hello Andrea,

I'm bumping an ancestral topic here but I found it while searching for a way to easily pre-fill some fields when opening a ticket from our hosting control panel, without adding a complicated "external provider" into SmarterTrack.

Like for example being able to submit some POST form data or query parameters to the newTicket page:


It looks that it's the topic of this thread. Was it added since your reply ?

Kind regards.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com

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