SMTP BYPass Not Working
Problem reported by Merle Wait - 2/6/2016 at 5:14 PM
Am testing a new SM server:
In whitelist I have...  111.222.333.220, with STMP=YES, Greylisting=Yes(which means disable Greylisting)

In SMTP Authentication ByPass I have 111.222.333.220
Under STMP-IN Security I have 
Require Auth Match = NONE
But when I go to send email on behalf of some other domain(not on the test server, I get this)
[2016.02.06] 18:03:59 [111.222.333.220][12459237] Authenticating as automatedservices@devtest.net
[2016.02.06] 18:03:59 [111.222.333.220][12459237] rsp: 334 XXXXXXXXXX
[2016.02.06] 18:03:59 [111.222.333.220][12459237] rsp: 235 Authentication successful
[2016.02.06] 18:03:59 [111.222.333.220][12459237] Authenticated as automatedservices@devtest.net
[2016.02.06] 18:04:02 [111.222.333.220][12459237] cmd: MAIL FROM:<testsend@software.com>
[2016.02.06] 18:04:02 [111.222.333.220][12459237] rsp: 250 OK <testsend@software.com> Sender ok
[2016.02.06] 18:04:02 [111.222.333.220][12459237] cmd: RCPT TO:<testsend@somewhere.com>
[2016.02.06] 18:04:02 [111.222.333.220][12459237] rsp: 550 <testsend@somewhere.com> No such user here
[2016.02.06] 18:04:02 [111.222.333.220][12459237] cmd: RSET
[2016.02.06] 18:04:02 [111.222.333.220][12459237] rsp: 250 OK
It seems the AUTH ByPass is not working, or did I miss something?

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