Multiple email addresses in event conditions
Idea shared by Scot Desort - 12/23/2015 at 11:25 AM
Under Consideration
I would like to create a Ticket Event condition for the customer email field - but I would like that condition to check for multiple email address. Does the system support an "or" condition, where I can enter mulitple email address separated by a comma, and the condition will evaluate to true if any one of the email addresses matches? I have searched the help file and I cannot find any description for this.

7 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
I dont believe the comma separation would work. This would be a good feature idea though. Alternatively you can setup multiple events (one for each email address). This will be a little more work, but would be the only way to accomplish what you are trying to do at the moment.
Hope this helps,
The semicolon works for separation to send to multiple emails in one event. We use it here at Fun.com and it works with no issues. 
User Replied
Thank you Antonio
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Antonio! I know that separating multiple emails with a semicolon/comma for the ACTIONS email field works as expected. But in my testing, I wasn't able to add multiple email addresses in the CONDITIONS email field.

Can you verify which part of the event is using multiple emails - Conditions or Actions? If it does work for you in Conditions, please let me know the version you're running! If not, I'll go ahead and change this thread to a Proposed Idea to facilitate tracking for the new feature request.

Ah shoot! Didn't read the thread entirely. It works in the ACTIONS field. Haven't tested, nor attempted the CONDITIONS field. Apologies for the confusion!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
No worries! I was confused by Ashley's response saying no until I reread the post again as well.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
This thread has been changed from a Question to an Idea in order to facilitate tracking. Thanks for the request, Scot! I can definitely see how this would be useful. 

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