Counting delivered eMails sent from one specific IP (webserver) in x hours ?
Question asked by Uwe Degenhardt - 12/3/2015 at 11:57 AM
I have the following problem.  A customer has a root server using our SM 14.4 EE as a relay host.
Now he sent a newsletter. He said, he didn't receive any wrong delivery message, holiday messages and so on.
Now he thinks, that s.th. went wrong. The SMTP-logfile indicated no problem. But I might have the bad feeling our server got a bad reputation right now due to a hacket eMail account days ago.
Now my question.
Is there the option of the following reporting:
Counting delivered eMails sent from one specific IP (webserver) in x  hours ?
That would help to at least proof if the delivery process went ok. Thanks !

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