GetActivityForServer reports 403 forbidden
Problem reported by Gary Gocek - 11/23/2014 at 7:23 AM
My web host shows SmarterStats Enterprise 8.4. I have been using the web service via .NET code for a long time. Recently, my call to GetActivityForServer reports, "The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden."
This gives me a form for credentials and dates and such. This also reports a 403. My host support person logged in with my stats credentials and it worked for him. We are both in the USA but in different states.
GetActivityForSite (different web service method) works OK for me, I get results, no errors.
Is this a SmarterStats problem, or the server? I don't control all aspects of the server for my hosting service. Is there something I can suggest to my host?
Thanks - Gary

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