Bug that Deletes All Contacts
Problem reported by kevind - 10/28/2015 at 2:29 PM
From the 14.3 release notes:
  • Fixed: Filtering the messages displayed in the email grid in webmail by doing a search or applying a view filter and then selecting all messages and performing an action on them now correctly operates on the list of displayed messages and not all messages in the folder.
Need to apply this same fix to Contacts section. Search for contacts named Robert, Select All to mark those contacts, Delete, and poof -- ALL your contacts are gone!
It's time to update Contacts so it works in 3 panes like email messages:
Then maybe you could use the same or similar code for both sections.

12 Replies

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kevind Replied
This bug still exists in 14.4. Hope to get this fixed soon as users can easily delete all contacts. If you can't reproduce, let me know.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the bump on this thread, Kevin. I'll make sure a developer sees this so they can look into it more.
kevind Replied
Great, this is a 'bad' bug so it will be nice to get fixed. Thanks Andrea!
kevind Replied
Andrea, any luck getting someone to see this? If you can duplicate, please mark as Known. Thanks.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
She did, I'm looking at it now. Unfortunately the fix in our change log is very different from this. The email one was related to your email search timing out.
Reference here: http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a86728/bug-moving-11-selected-emails-moved-full-mailbox-of-10-000-emails_.aspx

While on the surface it seems small but fixing this involves digging deep in code so this will take some time.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
So it's the same bug that selects all messages? I thought it might be related to this bug:

In any case, it might be time to add that checkbox at the top to select all contacts. You mentioned how important interface consistency was in the other thread. ;-)
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
This is unrelated to filtering and it's not related the bug for messages but a some what similar fix MAY be able to be applied.
In terms of consistency the Notes, Contacts, and Tasks are all the same.
If I can get this fixed hopefully it will fix select all issues with Notes, Contacts, and Tasks. Since they all use the exact same stuff.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Notes, Contacts, & Tasks may all be the same, but the interface is totally different than the Email section which is what people use 90% of the time.

Why not make Notes, Contacts, & Tasks work like Email so it's consistent, easy to use, and possibly shares the same code. Add Calendar which is yet a 3rd variation and you're off to the races...
kevind Replied
This same bug exists in Trusted Senders also:
  1. Go to Settings -> Trusted Senders
  2. Search for 'facebook'
  3. Use the checkbox on top to select all rows
  4. Click Delete
  5. Are you sure you want to delete 2 items? Click Yes.
All 500 of your trusted senders are deleted, not just the 2 facebook ones.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
This has been fixed, including your trusted senders bug. :)
If you need a custom build let me know and I can make one.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Matt Petty=Rock Star. Nice work! Sure, I'll take a custom build. No rush.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post

Just a heads up this has debug logging for Cyren (if you use it) that logs to SP_Log.txt in your service directory. It also has some stability fixes for Cyren.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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