IOS 9 does not synch with CardDAV
Problem reported by Ronald Voigt - 10/19/2015 at 7:15 AM
Hi there,
there seems to be a new issue with iOS 9 and synching via CardDAV: If I start the contacts-app on iOS9, there is no way to manually synch with the smartermail CardDAV-account.
In iOS 8.4 - as I remember - you could go to "groups" and pull down the page, so the synch starts. iOS 9 obviously misses this functionality.
After a few hours (!) talking with Apple´s hotline, they stated, that this must be an issue of iOS 9. It is reported, but I think we have to wait for a solution...
Does anybody els have this problem?
Is there a workaround, provided from smartermail?
I´m still using Smartermail 13.6.
thanks in advance

2 Replies

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Ronald Voigt Replied
I think there is a workaround til iOS 9.0.3 or 9.1, hopefully solving this issue:
- create a dummy-contact
- when you wish to synch: Edit, change some data and save the dummy-contact
- synch starts and synchs all other changed data from the server.
Good luck!
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for providing a workaround hopefully they bring back an option to manually sync in a future update.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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