BUG : Moving 11 selected emails moved full mailbox of 10,000 emails.
Problem reported by Curtis Kropar www.HawaiianHope.org - 8/1/2015 at 7:03 PM
Or a more appropriate title for this might be :
"OMG it moved everything... WTF ?"
Smarter Mail Version 14.0.5647
In my inbox I did a search looking for a few emails. It found 11 emails from 2012.
I clicked the "select all" check box , then took a wile, back and forth between screens of other programs running... then came back to smarter mail and dragged and dropped the 11 selected emails into a sub folder i have for critical information about our server and managing it.
Instead, smarter mail moved the entire content of my inbox, over 10,000 emails to the folder.
Now that folder is polluted with random crap. No way to "undo move" or easily separate what was originally in that folder from what Smarter Mail instead decided to move into it.
I wish i had more details on exactly what i was doing to try to replicate the problem... but the trauma of having it happen kinda wiped my brain at the same time... like trauma induced PTSD amnesia...  OMG !

www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !

13 Replies

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Todd Hunter Replied
Looks like the Select All did select all emails and not only the 11.

I assume you thought it would "Select All" of the ones you found, not all in the mail box.

Clicking select all normally only selects the ones that are displayed. something happened someplace that caused it to forget that only 11 were displayed.
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Curtis, this is a known issue and is on our bugs list.
Did you guys resolve this yet ?
I was about to upgrade tonight to the latest build, but just before i got to it.. it happened again.
Have you been able to replicate the issue ?  This time i know what happened.
I did a search, did a select all on the 15 emails it found. Clicked on a link in one of the emails and went and completed a survey that took roughly 15 minutes. came back, dragged the 15 emails over to the mailbox i wanted them in, and it again moved everything, over 10,000 emails
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
Robbie Wright Replied
x2, this bit us this week too. Any update?
Paul Blank Replied
Just a minor little thing.  Sorry for the sarcasm.  Have had issues moving emails now and again for many SM versions now.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
This has been fixed and will be in the next minor version.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Paul Blank Replied
Thanks, Matt, for the attention to this!
Yes, Thank you very much !
Curious, what was the problem ? Cookies expiring or something ?
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Yes, we were saving the checked (filtered) items in a 5 min cache. After that elapsed, the cache was cleared and the filtering was gone, so it thought _all_ items were selected. We are storing the checked items differently now.
Matt, did you guys build this into a release yet ? or rather, do you know when the next release will be ?
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
We have a minor planned tentatively for Thursday.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
cool. thanks !
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !

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