So, instead of building in a feature - once and done, instead the thousands and thousands of individual smarter mail admins are expected to custom build and custom code the product to achieve the same result. How many total man hours will be wasted on this by the thousands and thousands of smartermail admins ?
The point of me using a product, especially an administrative level type of product and tool like SmarterMail, is to find one that does what I want and automate as much as I can, so i can spend more critical and productive time with larger issues, and not have to constantly baby sit all of the minor things that suck up my time. Like having to invest Lord knows how many hours to customize something, test it, modify it, retest it and then roll it out.Then, hope it stays working with the next patch, release or update.
I am battling spammers and hackers daily, trying to keep ahead of the sheer volume of garbage out there, now i have to stop all of that critical activity, and play web designer to custom build something that should be part of the product to begin with ? (and i am not just referring to this, but other potentially declined items as well)
Our virtual server company told me the same thing when i asked about automating backups. "Oh, it is part of the API and you can custom build the exact way you want to backups to work"
Wait.. so the normal product cant even make basic backups on its own ? i have to custom build that ? are you kidding ?
We are now looking for a new vendor for our virtual servers, or will just host our own since we will have to invest so much time into it anyway.
I see a lot of the canned "decline" responses on here in the last day or so. I would caution SmarterTools of the act of constantly saying "no" to requested features and fixes too many times. At some point people will start looking for other options to address their issues needs. - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !