I understand your frustration regarding ClamAV and SmarterMail 14.X, and have a few questions which can help diagnose, and potentially, correct the situation for you, but first, some background:
SmarterMail 14.X requires two things to run that were not require in prior versions:
- .NET 4.5, which, if your SmarterMail 14.X installation is running, and you can access it via the web interface, was properly installed.
- Windows Server 2012 needs to have Microsoft's C++ Redistributable Package 2010 x64 package installed for proper operation of the ClamAV 64 bit version - which is installed with SmarterMail 14.X
In addition to the above two requirements, both of which should have been installed for you, automatically, when you upgraded to SmarterMail 14.X, there have been a couple of occasions where the ClamAV upgrade to the 64 bit version was not handled properly by the upgrade installation.
Fortunately any of these three situations is easily corrected - a bit inconvenient, but easily resolved . . .
So, please try the following:
- Download the most recent version of SmarterMail 14.0.5637.27988 from:
- UNINSTALL your current SmarterMail product.
- All of your current settings will be preserved.
- If you did not install to the DEFAULT installation location, which is: C:\Program Files(x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\, please make a note of the path to your current installation location so you can reinstall to that location.
- REBOOT your server - to unlock any locked files - VERY IMPORTANT!
- After you have completed your UNINSTALL, of the current SmarterMail installation, and rebooted your server, please DELETE the entire directory located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service\Clam\bin64
- Install the latest build of SmarterMail - remembering to change the install location if your original installation did not use the default path.
- During the initial startup of the newly installed SmarterMail program, it will run a special configuration program to download all of the 64 bit virus definitions from ClamAV.
- Depending on how fast your network connection is, and how busy the ClamAV servers are, this could take a few minutes
- During this period, your SmarterMail server and/or program may appear to be slow and/or non-responsive
- This is normal, and your server's response will return to normal after a few minutes
- After a few minutes, log into SmarterMail, as the PRIMARY SmarterMail ADMIN, and go to
- and make certain ENABLE CLAMAV is checked:
Make Certain "Enable ClamAV is Checked"
- You can also, optionally, set a quarantine period for viruses.
- Now, if you click on the ClamAV tab, you will see the STATUS of your ClamAV configuration:
ClamAV Configuration Screen
- The VIRUS DEFINATIONS line, at the bottom of the screen, should show either a date, or "updating."
The steps outlined above should take care of any issues with your SmarterMail installation. If they do not, then you will need to either open a ticket with SmarterTools, or ask one of the techs in these forums for further assistance.
Bruce Barnes
ChicagoNetTech Inc
Phonr: (773) 491-9019
Phone: (224) 444-0169
E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist
Network Security Specialist
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