Multiple calendars in SM14
Idea shared by Joe Burkhead - 6/11/2015 at 6:24 AM
I installed the current SM14 yesterday, and have run into some questions about the new multiple calendar functionality. One of our users who is a heavy user of the calendar immediately created 4 or 5 new calendars to help her sort and keep track of appointments. Then she went into existing appointments to try to move them to the appropriate new calendar. It seems that it is not possible to move an existing event to the new calendar from the old one. This is really unfortunate for someone who has hundreds of appointments that need to be recreated now since they cannot just be moved.
Am I missing something here? Is there a way to move these appointments instead of manually recreating them one at a time?

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Joe, in case you didn't get an answer yet...
Yes, there is an easy way to move events from one calendar to another.
  1. Click on the event you want to move so it opens the edit window.
  2. Choose the Move button at the top center to select a new calendar.
Suggestion to ST for making this more intuitive:
  • Enable the drop-down control when editing an event. User selects a new calendar and clicks Save. This is how it's done in Google calendar.
Enabling the calendar drop-down active seems like a relatively minor enhancement that might take only a few minutes of coding.
Should I re-post this as an idea or can the status be changed for this topic?
Employee Replied
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Hi Kevin!
Thanks for bringing our attention back to this. I spoke with a developer and this is actually already on the list to be modified as you suggested. In addition to the Move button, we plan to allow users to change the associated calendar with the dropdown menu. 
Andrea, sounds good.  This will be more intuitive for the user.
FWIW, I say drop the Move button.  Having too many choices clutters the interface and makes it more confusing for users.
If you want to keep the Move button, put it on the All Appointments tab instead.  Then the user could select multiple events (appointments) and move them all to a different calendar!
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The first part of this idea has been completed: moving personal calendar events between calendars using the drop down list.  The second part--being able to select multiple events on the Calendar All tab and moving them--is still in implementation.
Awesome!  Looking forward to the enhancements.
Might as well go all the way and add the left calendar pane:
Then users could drag/drop events between calendars! Just like the email section where users drag/drop messages between folders.
Another benefit is that users could create/rename/delete calendars without having to go into Settings -> Calendar Settings -> Calendars tab.  If you make creating a calendar just like creating a folder, users will appreciate the simplicity and convenience. Also, IT staff will get fewer calls for support & training.
Employee Replied
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The CalendarAll tab now has a MOVE button. This will allow multiple calendar event items to be moved between personal calendars.  This change will be included in the next minor release.
Employee Replied
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Kevin, we will be taking your UI enhancements into consideration as we work to redesign the interface. Thank you for all of your wonderful suggests thus far. This particular enhancement will not be included in SM 14.x, however.
- OK, great.
- You're welcome (just trying to move things out of Settings and expose the functionality where the user can see it and use it intuitively).
- Maybe 15 then ;)

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