Wait don't send a ticket! Here is something we do that Matt Petty didn't mention. You migrate to new server. Then, search the domain, then Edit it. You must edit, and then reload, without saving. Then search the domain again. Then "manage" it. this will work!!
Another tip. I create the domain in the new server. Then I UNC to it. The I just make a copy in the same folder. That one will be call domain.com-copy. Then I go into the original, and I delete the files in that destination folder. I like a clean slate to migrate to. then migrate. I use Rich Copy to migrate, but you don't need to.
The reason I do this, is, I have a copy of the "shell" if my migration fails. This has to be the simplest of SM tasks. Let me know if you need more help.
Remember kids, every time a spam message gets blocked, a nerd gets their glasses. spamhurts/July 15