Smartermail Free as Backup MX
Question asked by Joshua Parker - 5/13/2015 at 12:54 PM
I have been attempting to setup a backup MX server for my existing smartermail install.  I have configured the new server and added DNS records to reflect the new server as well.  The issue I am running into is any mail sent to the server gets a 550 error no such user here response.  I have seen other threads with this issue but haven't been able to figure out what the issue could be.  On the backup server I have configured an incoming gateway, selected Backup MX as the mode.  I have selected Web Service as the user verification, checked the box to enable smartermail gateway mode and entered in the url and credentials for a system admin on the main server.  Any ideas where I went wrong?

8 Replies

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Merle Wait Replied
please refer to:
I had that exact problem.. it has been corrected since the last April.30.15 release.
Since that update, I haven't had that problem....
Joshua Parker Replied
My backup is already running 13.4.5603 but my primary is still running 13.1.5451, I will upgrade the primary tonight and see if that corrects the issue. Thanks for the tip.
Merle Wait Replied
hmmm... we corrected the backup first.. and it seemed to fix it.
Do you get that issue on ALL users?
If so, can each machine see the other?
We had the issue with alias domains.
I know that the documentation for gateways MX might be confusing.
The settings are in SmarterMail servers.
The "real" Sm server.. has to have the gateway server set.
The "backup" MX server, has to point to the real server
Steve Reid Replied
Your main server does not need anything set for implementing a backup mx. Only the MX records need to be adjusted to accommodate.
Joshua Parker Replied
I changed nothing on my main server. I setup the incoming gateway on the backup server. I added an MX record for the backup server. Is there a specific port I need to open on the backup server to allow it to communicate with the primary server? I get the error on all users on the primary domain. I have domain aliases setup but haven't gotten to testing those yet as the primary domain does not function currently.
Steve Reid Replied
Have you tried the test while taking down the main server? I think it won't accept mail if it sees the main server is up.
Joshua Parker Replied
I haven't and was hoping that was the expected behavior. I will test tonight while I upgrade the main servers
Merle Wait Replied
So are you wanting a backup server.. or gateway server?
We use SM (where applicable), as front-end gateway servers.  If you are doing that you have to set up 
Here are a couple of other articles.

Let us know how it goes...

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