Include Ticket Comments as a Variable in Event Notification Emails
Idea shared by Sanidin Muratbegovic - 11/14/2014 at 5:00 AM
I am wondering if it is possible to include internal comments in email when ticket is assigned/transferred to agent ?

Comments should be only visible to agent.

8 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Sanidin,
On every ticket within SmarterTrack is the ability to add internal agent-to-agent comments. End users do not have a way of seeing these comments. To add one to a ticket, simply navigate to the ticket, click the Add button in the menu bar and choose Comment. From here, you can choose what type of comment you'd like to add: General, Resolution, Transfer, Follow-up and Sticky. When you are transferring the ticket to another agent you have a section where you can add a comment, and this will be labeled as a Transfer Comment. 
Also, just as some added information, any option that you choose from the Add action menu, such as adding a Comment, Resolution, Attachment, etc., are only visible to agents. End users cannot see these. 
Let me know if you have any other questions. 
Tnx for your help, we already use comments inside smartertrack. What we need is possibility to include comments from ticket inside a email when we transfer ticket from a agent to agent.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're looking for. Are you perhaps looking for a quoting feature, to be able to quote the text within a ticket in the transfer comment?
Hi, what we need is to display ticket comments (General, Resolution, Transfer, Follow-up and Sticky) in email that is sent to agent when ticket is assigned or transferred to him/her
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Oh! I see. So you have SmarterTrack set up in a way that notifies your agents by email when a ticket is assigned or transferred to them. In that email notification you'd like to include the comments associated with the ticket. Is this correct?
correct :)
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Great! Glad we could clear that up. I assume you're using events to send these email notifications. At this time I don't believe there is a way to include ticket comments in that notification. There would have to be a variable that you would include in the email and there is not currently one available. I'm going to change this to a Proposed Idea so other users can vote on this variable addition as well and bring it to our development team's attention.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
I'm going to also alter the current title, "Is it possible to include comments in agent email?", to make this feature request clearer to other users at a glance.

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