Prevent delete from Deleted Items folder
Idea shared by Robert Griffing - 11/7/2014 at 8:17 AM
Is there a way to prevent users from deleting items from the Deleted Items folder?
If not, is there a way to log delete actions?

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From a business traceability standpoint, it seems like the ability to delete from the DeletedItems folder defeats the purpose of the folder. By offering an option to disallow delete-delete, you prevent employees from making emails "disappear" and hiding their tracks. The all-emails-archive does not completely solve this issue, because if no one knows it's gone, the archive is useless.
No way to keep them from deleting them. If you're worried about such things maybe you should look into using the Message Archive system.

Thanks, -Joe
<<No way to keep them from deleting them.>>

I guess I'm suggesting that the option to prevent delete-from-deleted might be a nice addition to Smartermail.

<<If you're worried about such things maybe you should look into using the Message Archive system.>>

The Archive is a great feature, but it only helps you when you know the email has been deleted. There are cases where an employee (accidentally or intentionally) deletes an email from the deleted folder. Unless they tell someone, the archive won't help because no one will know to look in it.

Of course, the same could be said of the deleted folder itself, but because it's so close-by and easy to check, perhaps fewer emails would be accidentally lost.

And employees looking to cover their tracks would know that they can't push an email very far out of sight -- it remains right there, only a click away. The message archive, on the other hand, is only visible to administrators and so does not have the same effect of discouraging the user from hiding evidence.

Just a suggestion.
Thanks for the comments.
So currently there is no way to prevent delete from deleted, is there a way to log the event?
Where , if at all, are user actions visible in the logs?
The logs tell everything, so I can't imagine anybody thinking they could get away with that.

If you suspect someone then the logs will say everything and then you use message archiving to retrieve the email and put the nail in the coffin...
What you propose would have to affect all clients, as anyone can log in with another device besides webmail. I just think this is impossible.
<<What you propose would have to affect all clients, as anyone can log in with another device besides webmail. I just think this is impossible>>
Ah, good point. It would have to be implemented at a central point, so all clients would see same effect. Very difficult.

<<Where , if at all, are user actions visible in the logs? >>
This is a good question. Where do you see delete actions in the logs? I didn't realize that was possible.
Not sure about delete actions, I just mean if a customer says they sent an email that can't be found, then you find the traces of that email in the logs, ensure it was not deleted due to spam filtering, retrieve it from archive and then you know the user deleted it.

Basically I am saying that the email will leave traces all over the logs.
Gotcha. yes, the logs help there. Of course, it's a bit weaker than a smoking gun, but it helps (we use it all the time).
It would be nice to see the users webmail actions in the log files.
Move to folder, delete, and actions on shared mail folders, that sort of stuff.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
There is not currently a way to prevent items from being purged from the deleted items folder. Nor do I believe there are logs that will show when a user deletes an item. 
Your conversation in the comments brings up some good suggestions though. In order to gain visibility for other users and the development team, it would be best to have these separated as Proposed Ideas. This will allows users to vote and share their feedback as well. I'll good ahead and change this thread to an Idea for you. 
If a customer click the button Clear Folder where SM save the LOG's this action?
<< I'll good ahead and change this thread to an Idea for you. >>

So, yeah, I guess it's two idea/suggestions:

1 - option to disallow users from deleting from the deleted items folder. The restriction would apply also to IMAP operations. The system's automatic purge mechanism would still work.

2 - option to create entries in a log file showing moves and deletes. This would apply also to IMAP operations.

Either of these would enhance the general tracability of the email system. Both would be ideal.
<<What you propose would have to affect all clients, as anyone can log in with another device besides webmail. I just think this is impossible>>

If the log files show POP/IMAP retrieval you would know that that user received the mail. If IMAP is configured to not remove mail from server then deletes should end up in "deleted items folder" and logs should show IMAP deletes. Not sure what the POP/IMAP protocols allow for configuration in SM,

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