"Can not create new user"
Problem reported by Scott Pierson - 11/4/2014 at 12:13 PM
Not A Problem
Hi all. Receiving this error with only two current users and the number of users is not limited to less than 10. Any ideas? Many thanks.

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Typically, there are only three situations that you would encounter a "Could not create user" error:
  1. The username is already in use,
  2. The name is a reserved name, or,
  3. The domain user limit has been reached.
User Replied
Hello Scott,

Thanks for your time. I believe we have narrowed down this issue to be permissions related for certain SmarterMail folders. During our conversation we noticed the folders were set to 'Read only'. This prohibited you from making any changes.


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