mailbox size limits can be changed by domain admin
Idea shared by Randy Armbrecht - 9/25/2014 at 3:01 PM
Is there a setting to dis-allow domain admins from changing mailbox sizes to whatever they please for their domain users?  I have searched the admin settings and do not see a setting for this.  I see where Domain admins cannot change the max size of a mailing list message, but nothing for mailbox size.
I just noticed that one of our hosted customers on our SmarterMail 12.3.5318 had changed their mailbox sizes to be 4x that of what the defaults are set as. I have changed it back and had a phone call with the customer. But need to know if I am just missing something blatantly in front of me, or if this is an oversight/bug oversight

22 Replies

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Employee Replied
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Whatever the system admin sets as the domain disk space limit takes precedence over that the domain admins set as individual user mailbox size limit.  When the domain disk space limit is reached, SmarterMail will send a warning to the domain admin and domain mailboxes that they will be unable to receive new mail.
Are you wanting some kind of a notification when the domain admin sets mailbox limit beyond the domain disk space limit?
hmmmmm...that is what i was afraid of.  We elected not to set max disk space per domain but rather max mailbox limit per user. This comes from our much older IMail days.  We have always based our email storage on individual mailbox size as a means to promote better service than other hosting companies (you know - "don't let one user on your domain hog all the mail storage for the company! we do it better!")
With the scenario just explained we would have to set max domain size allowed, then adjust each time as a domain added mailboxes to keep with our service guarantee. But how would we know when to change given the domain admin can add users anytime up to a set limit.  Just another task to add to the over burdened admin management.
any plans to add a switch on the domain setup to not allow domain admins to change mailbox size?
Employee Replied
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Thank you for your comments and concerns, Randy.  We are very familiar with web hosting.  Maximum flexibility in the majority of scenarios is achieved when the domain is given a maximum disk space limit.  In most control panels and cases the domain is billed by the allocated disk space.  The domain admins then are able to set user mailbox size accordingly.
We have not encountered your particular scenario before.  We will continue to monitor this community post, and if there are several up votes, then we may take the implementation under consideration.
Since this is not necessarily a problem with SmarterMail, I will also change this from a problem to an idea thread in order to facilitate community voting.
We are in a similar situation and you can workaround the way SmarterMail operates by simply hiding the mailbox size field. This of course also hides it for the system admin so you have to use the web services "UpdateUser2" to make any mailbox size changes.

Just edit C:\Program Files\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\MRS\UserControls\UserSett­ings.as­cx, find the entry for txtMaxMailboxSize and add `Visible="false"` to the end of the tag. This will need to be done in any custom skins as well as every time SmarterMail is updated.
We are in the same boat here, we want to give access to domain admin but at the same time charge per each mailbox size like Google or Office 365 do.
Allowing domain admin to set unlimited in each mailbox doesn't allow us to charge per mailbox size... :(
I wish we could set globally MAX MAILBOX SIZE, at least we would have a limit to charge for but we can't charge unlimited.
Employee Replied
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Please make sure you up vote the main thread, if you haven't already.
I have voted but take in consideration that I'm not proposing to hide the option to edit mailbox size. I want admins to be able to edit mailbox size but be limited by a hard limit (per mailbox, not per domain).
I have decided to start charging per mailbox and would like the ability to turn off Admins being able to change mailbox size. I have been setting the overall domains to unlimited because if one user hits their max it won't affect the whole domain.
I agree. I charge per mailbox of a given size, like many of the other service providers out there. It would be nice to take that setting away from the domain admin and only set it at the system admin level for any given domain. Possibly also set a default max mailbox size for new domains.

Update - Jan. 12, 2019 - I have given-up hope for this feature. It has been requested by the community for well over 4 years now and still nothing. We will probably go back to Ipswitch iMail Server or find another one out there that will configure the way we need.
Similar situation here. We're offering SmarterMail as a service, but the admins can change their own limits or accounts. Ideally we would like to be able to prevent that from happening. As of now, we have setup an account just for us on every domain and set all our customers as regular users. This is obviously a waste of our license limits since it's billed per inbox and limiting for our customers.
We are experiencing a similar problem right now. We've made all of our plans to set a disk limit per user. However, the Domain administrator can change this limit as desired. We are using version 16.x. Will there be a change in this matter?

I see this is still proposed and I am wondering if this is going to be part of Version 17?

We are running into issues with domain admins changing the disk quotas and we are then having to monitor them which is a pain. We charge by the user and I need to be able to set limits.

Thank you,
Can we set default mailbox size, and disable changing mailbox size by domain's admin ?
There is no way to do this in the webmail UI. You have to edit the user settings page and hide the mailbox size.
Yes. And I can't sell email per mailbox for my customer now :)
I also need this feature I am also not able to sell per mailbox for my customer.
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post

Thank you for the upvotes on this thread and your feedback. At this time we have escalated this internally as a feature request to be considered for development. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Wow... this is frustrating. We have been asking for this feature for over 7 years and they are just now going to consider this for a feature request.
Better late than never. Would be happy to be able to delete these fake admin accounts from customer domains.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that this functionality is now available in Build 7803! When editing a domain, you'll find a new setting on the Miscellaneous card that reads 'Allow domain administrators to manage Mailbox Size Limit for users'. If this setting is disabled for a domain, the domain administrators will be able to see a user's Mailbox Size Limit, but they will be unable to edit it. 
Hi Andrea! This is good, but there's a BUG: after update to v. 7803 we cannot modifications in DOMAIN DEFAULTS, so we cannot do that for new domains and we cannot propagate new settings...

Simply the SAVE button is inactive, whatever we do...
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)

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