Reports Not Sending with SmarterStats 9.2.5630
Problem reported by Bruce Barnes - 9/5/2014 at 11:07 AM
I'm seeing lots of errors when attempting to send reports from the latest build of SmarterStats 9.2.5630
Here's a copy of the log, with e-mail addresses redacted:

[9/5/2014 12:50:35 PM] Exception: Email failed to send to REDACTED@comcast.net Actual exception was System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.DoSend()
   at SSWeb.Admin.Popups.frmEmailReport.DoSend(String& errorText)

[9/5/2014 1:00:13 PM] Exception: Email failed to send to REDACTED@chicagonettech.comActual exception was System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.DoSend()
   at SSWeb.Admin.Popups.frmEmailReport.DoSend(String& errorText)

[9/5/2014 1:01:45 PM] Exception: Email failed to send to REDACTED@comcast.netActual exception was System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.DoSend()
   at SSWeb.Admin.Popups.frmEmailReport.DoSend(String& errorText)


An attempt to manually send a scheduled report for one of the domains timed out and failed as well:

[9/5/2014 1:03:40 PM] Email report error to REDACTED@chicagonettech.com: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The operation has timed out.
   at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
   at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.DoSend(String smtpServer, MailMessage msg, String smtpAuthName, String smtpAuthPassword, Boolean enableSmtpAuth, Boolean enableTls, Int32 port)




Bruce Barnes
ChicagoNetTech Inc

Phonr: (773) 491-9019
Phone: (224) 444-0169

E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist
Network Security Specialist

Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com
Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com
Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/

Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting

6 Replies

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Henry Timmes Replied
Seems like the automated function, it's not passing or collecting the required information and tossing a null exception. The manual way gets passed the null exception and causes a time out. Interesting..
Campaign Cleaner - The Ultimate Tool for Optimized, High-Performance Email Campaigns
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
That is two different errors which is interesting.
If you have verified all your email settings and tested and saved those settings again, then I would open a support ticket.  
I took a quick look at our active SmarterStats tickets and don't see anything related to this.  
If you haven't, try configuring using another mail server/account.  Are you sending to one email address or many with a semicolon?  Can you try just one if you are doing multiple etc.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Bruce Barnes Replied
When sending from the main portal, which lists the activity from all of the domains, it's a single e-mail address, and it doesn't matter whether it has a comma or semi-colon after the address.
I can completely whitelist the IP address of the statistics server and it still fails.
When it was working, it worked great, but only under SMTP, not SSL.
When sending from the reports, it was sending fine, sending multiple reports, to multiple e-mail addresses, and, after the most recent upgrade, stopped.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Bruce,
Testing this locally, just as Tim mentioned, there doesn't appear to be any errors and the messages are sent accordingly.  Just a few things that I would like to verify with you:
  • Is this a standard CEO Overview report?  Or has there been any changes made to the CEO Report?
  • Are there any other reports generated outside of the defaults ( Top Pages, Referring Sites, Entry Pages, Paths, Browsers, Operating Systems, Operating Systems Versions, Traffic Trend, Search Engine Breakdown)
  • Are you seeing this across all sites?
Bruce Barnes Replied
Standard reports.
Across all sites.
We made the number of rows larger to get in data for 30 day results.
We cut off the IP addresses - they were useless to the customers.
In the ADMIN screens, trying to send any of the six standard reports, when entering an e-mail address with either a "," (comma) or ";" (semi-colon) we either get the following error:
When entering an e-mail address without any punctuation after the address, we get this result:
Attempting to send a non-modified report, one of the standard reports, results in this being received, in lieu of the report:
Exception Processing: Server 1, Site 14 System.FormatException: An invalid character was found in the mail header: ','. at System.Net.Mail.DotAtomReader.ReadReverse(String data, Int32 index) at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseDomain(String data, Int32& index) at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseAddress(String data, Boolean expectMultipleAddresses, Int32& index) at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseMultipleAddresses(String data) at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection.ParseValue(String addresses) at System.Net.Mail.Message..ctor(String from, String to) at System.Net.Mail.MailMessage..ctor(String from, String to) at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.PrepareMessage(String from, String htmlbody, String textbody, Dictionary`2 imageMappingsLocalToCid) at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.Send(String htmlbody, String textbody, Dictionary`2 cidAttachments) at SSWeb.HelperClasses.Email.EmailReportBase.DoSend() at SSWeb.HelperClasses.BackgroundTasks.EmailReportThread.SendRpt(ConfigScheduledReport schReport, ConfigUser user, ConfigSite site, String subjectTag, Int32 timeZoneIndex) at SSWeb.HelperClasses.BackgroundTasks.EmailReportThread.ProcessReport(ConfigSite site, ConfigUser user, TimeZoneInfo tz, ConfigScheduledReport schReport) at SSWeb.HelperClasses.BackgroundTasks.EmailReportThread.ProcessUser(ConfigSettings settings, Int32 serverID, ConfigSite site, ConfigUser user, TimeZoneInfo tz)
I have PLAIN TEXT login disabled in SmarterMail, via the DISABLE AUTH LOGIN METHOD FOR SMTP AUTHENTICATION, but that has been disabled since the middle of August, and I've had lots of reports, both manual and  auto-run, which went out fine with plain text login disabled.
When I run SMTP AUTHENTICATION test, the SmarterMail logs show it working:
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] rsp: 220 securemail.chicagonettech.com  Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:02:29 +0000 UTC | SmarterMail Enterprise 12.4.5364.28866
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] connected at 9/15/2014 2:02:29 PM
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] cmd: EHLO pepi
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] rsp: 250-securemail.chicagonettech.com Hello []250-SIZE 52428800250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5250-8BITMIME250 OK
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] cmd: AUTH CRAM-MD5
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] rsp: 334 PDE2NzMzNjU5MTguNjM1NDYzODY1NDk3ODA1MDAwQHNlY3VyZW1haWwuY2hpY2Fnb25ldHRlY2guY29tPg==
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] Authenticating as webstats@chicagonettech.com
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] rsp: 235 Authentication successful
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] Authenticated as webstats@chicagonettech.com
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] cmd: QUIT
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] rsp: 221 Service closing transmission channel
[2014.09.15] 14:02:29 [][38535613] disconnected at 9/15/2014 2:02:29 PM
If you send me a private e-mail, I'll be glad to send back an admin username and password for SmarterStats.
I can also do a Skype desktop share.
EDIT: PS:  the inclusion of TLS in the SMTP options would be a really sweet addition.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Bruce Barnes Replied
So, in an effort to troubleshoot this report/e-mail issue, I completely uninstalled SmarterStats, deleted all of the files, deleted the SmarterStats generated log files, rebooted the server, reinstalled the latest version of SmarterStats.


Here is the "About SmarterStats" popup from the Admin login window:
SmarterStats Enterprise Edition | Version 9.2.5360
SmarterStats Enterprise Edition | Version 9.2.5360
and rebuilt 10 of the domains to test the reporting and e-mail functions.


After a complete uninstall, removal of all directories, reboot, reinstall, and reboot, I am still unable to send e-mail reports from the ADMIN login:

Here are the results of three tests . . .



The first was attempt was made using an e-mail address with no punctuation (no comma, no semi-colon) inserted after the address, the following results are returned:
Test Send of Site Visitor Summary report from ADMIN Account using e-mail address with no punctuation after e-mail address
Test Send of Site Visitor Summary report from ADMIN Account
using e-mail address with no punctuation after e-mail address
the error message returned is: "Email failed to send."


The second and third attempts were each made using an e-mail address using a comma "," and semi-colon ";" (as two separate tests) inserted after the address and the following results are returned - for both tests.   Only one copy of the error message is displayed as it was identical in both cases:
Test of Site Visitor Summary report, via ADMIN account using e-mail address with ; or , after the e-mail address
Test of Site Visitor Summary report, via ADMIN account
using an e-mail address with ; or , after the e-mail address
The error message returned, in both cases, is: "Enter a valid email address for the [To] field."
Here are the error messages generated when the attempts to send the reports from the ADMIN account are made:


To validate the SMTP authentication between the SmarterStats server and the SmarterMail server, here is the configuration for the SMTP setup:
SmarterStats SMTP Configuration
SmarterStats SMTP Configuration

This SMTP SSL configuration has been verified to work in the SmarterMail.   Here is a copy of the SMTP LOGS showing the TEST CONNECTION results:

[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] rsp: 220 securemail.chicagonettech.com  Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:54:55 +0000 UTC | SmarterMail Enterprise 12.4.5364.28866
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] connected at 9/20/2014 12:54:55 PM
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] cmd: EHLO pepi
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] rsp: 250-securemail.chicagonettech.com Hello []250-SIZE 52428800250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5250-8BITMIME250 OK
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] cmd: AUTH CRAM-MD5
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] rsp: 334 PC0xMjk2MzI1Nzc3LjYzNTQ2ODE0NDk1MDQ2ODc1MEBzZWN1cmVtYWlsLmNoaWNhZ29uZXR0ZWNoLmNvbT4=
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] Authenticating as
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] rsp: 235 Authentication successful
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] Authenticated as
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] cmd: QUIT
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] rsp: 221 Service closing transmission channel
[2014.09.20] 12:54:55 [][54156084] disconnected at 9/20/2014 12:54:55 PM


There are no error messages in any of the SmarterStats logs.


SmarterState Enterprise Edition | Version 9.2.5360
SmarterState Enterprise Edition | Version 9.2.5360
NOTE: The test results are the same whether the server IP address used is or the public IP address





License Verification and Validation
License Verification and Validation
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting

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