Mail Signing
Question asked by dextor stone - 4/27/2015 at 12:47 AM
Hi there, 

I am trying to setup Mail Signing for my domain name in smartermail, i have created the Key etc etc at 1024 when i enter the information into Cpanel i get error's and it wont allow me to enter the following 

default._domainKey TEXT p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCvsFTFTL0Kbqj8jZ2T/iSis7p/3vs7RgKACduvp6kGf/AOKG+uugZwbHiL8gtDFja83WmxqSSc12PGqhyBuBa0L39xAHqZ8Ol9lgyWWadmcfMUwo2FRnJuJwHuzx/tx1UEGG6PNGvPIgPtcDxFBE2lalIx8hizAADUamJuziyJ8QIDAQAB
can someone give me a inside on how to make this work casue my emails are going into junk mail

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