I just wanted to create a download link.. BUT
Problem reported by Merle Wait - 4/22/2015 at 8:02 AM
Not A Problem
Upgraded to 13.3
First time I wanted to put in a download link.   
a.) Highlighted the words I wanted to turn into a link.
b.)Clicked on link sign... pasted in the link that I wanted...
c.) Just tried to paste the link that I wanted to use...
d/) Clicked OK....
- Wouldn't allow me to do that....
Just set there.
Am using Chrome.
I don't know what all of these other things are.. all I wanted to do was input link.
Will not allow me to do that.

15 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Merle,
Thanks for the inquiry. I just proceeded to implement a URL link within the email message. Let me know if you can follow the steps again and let us know if the link does not appear.
Open the email message. In the body of the message you can select the [chain icon] to open the URL field. You can cut / paste the url or manually enter. For example:
www.smartertools.com and then click OK. The link should show up. Would you be able to try another web browser ? 
Merle Wait Replied
Tried it both in FireFox and chrome.
a.) Start new message.
b.) Type   "something"
c.) Highlight  "something"
d.) click the link symbol.
e.) Link box comes up, protocol set to http://
f.) try to paste a URL similar to this one:  ebt.net/downloads/axs/aanuxxx.exe
    into the link.
g.) attempt to click "OK"  ... nothing.
I can set up a webex or do a webex video if desired to show you....
Now Running 13.5 (or whatever release as of 4/30/15 is).
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Merle, I was able to replicate the issue to a point.  In Chrome, Firefox, and IE, I followed your steps above.  After clicking OK, the highlighted text appeared to contain the link but I could not click on it nor mouse-over it.  However, on sending the message, the recipient was able to view and use the link as normal.
I will add this to our bugs list.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I have a ticket open with CKEditor to resolve this issue.
Ben Dyer Replied
I came to this thread with the same problem. I just wanted to confirm what Merle Wait had found. This feature used to work in older versions but seems to be broken now. When trying to create an link to a website I get the same issue (Using the latest Chrome browser)
While drafting an email, I
Highlight a piece of text
Click the <link> button
enter the web address
<OK> is highlighted in green, but I am unable to select it. The only option is to select <cancel> or hit the <x> in the upper right corner, prompting verification that I would like to close the page. When I agree and the window closes, the text does not have an embedded link.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Merle / Ben, I heard back from CKEditor today.  They say that this is the intended functionality.  They already have it on their feature request list.  At this time I will change this thread to a known issue and await on CKEditor to implement the request.
#13238: Links do not work in CKEditor
  Reporter:  r0bert     |      Owner:
      Type:  Bug        |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  General    |    Version:  4.4.4
Resolution:  duplicate  |   Keywords:
Changes (by j.swiderski):

 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => duplicate


 At the moment this is how editor works but there is a feature request for
 it already.

 DUP of #7145.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13238#comment:1>
CKEditor <http://ckeditor.com/>
The text editor for the Internet
Merle Wait Replied
I appreciate the followup.. but a bit mystified as to how to use it link otherwise?
Is there some work around step that I am missing?
Ben Dyer Replied
I'm still in the same boat as Merle. I'm a bit confused about the answer and the resolution. If I understand correctly, according to the CKEditor this is how the tool is supposed to work? There must be something I'm missing because I still can't get it to work. Would they have a chance to review the steps that both Merle and I posted and let us know what we're not doing correctly? Or is this an actual bug and we are waiting for an updated version to repair it? Sorry if I'm missing something. I'm not trying to be difficult or obtuse.
Thanks for your continued assistance.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Though the link does not work in the actual CKEditor, the links do work properly once the mail is sent.  I followed Merle's steps exactly to replicate the issue.  Once I clicked SEND, the recipient was able to mouseover and follow the link as expected.  it's only while you are drafting the text in the editor that you are not able to mouseover nor click on the link.
Ben Dyer Replied
So when you click <Link> and the box opens and you enter the web address you are able to select <OK> and return to the email editor? It doesn't work that way for me. I get the same issue that Merle had
g.) attempt to click "OK" ... nothing.
The window doesn't close on its own, the window stays open until I select the <X> or <Close Window> and verify that I want to close the window. I have tried multiple tests to see if the link comes through but haven't had any luck.
I'll wait for Merle to weigh in, maybe he has something else to say. I don't mean to hijack his thread. Thanks again.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Ok, I misunderstood you. The link window itself is not closing for you. I didn't get that behavior at all with Chrome, Firefox, or IE. Are you using Chrome on Mac or Windows?
Ben Dyer Replied
That's correct. I think that's the same issue Merle is having as well.
Chrome Version 42.0.2311.135 m on Windows 7 Home Premium 64
SmarterMail Version 13.2.5511
Thanks for the follow up, I appreciate it.
Merle Wait Replied
When the going gets weird.. The weird turn pro....  :)
Ok, I was retrying this again.. and today it didn't happen.  Same machine.. same browser.
I don't have any answers yet..  but certainly wasn't what I was expecting.
To answer Ben's question - yes- exactly as he describes - not closing properly is the issue that I am (or was experiencing).  I have been using  Chrome 42.0.2311.90
Using Mail server 13.3  (4/30/13 ) release.......
So then I tried to different machine  -still SAME CHROME...
and I notice the pop-up boxes are different...
and this
So go figure... Same chrome versions, same SM server... different results.
So am guessing it something in cache or cookies.
Ben Dyer Replied
You hit the nail on the head. I went into Chrome and cleared Cookies and Cached Images and Files and guess what? I now get the first form that you posted (ebt.net/images/url_Pop_That_Works.jpg). And it works beautifully. Thank you for the suggestion that it may have to do with cache or cookies.
Thanks for the help, everyone! Take care!
Ben Dyer
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I am going to mark this is Not a Problem, since clearing the cache/cookies seems to work.  I will keep this thread updated with any information from CKEditor about viewing or clicking on hyperlinks while in the editor itself.

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