Search on portal home-page doesn´t show all results
Idea shared by Webplusidc - 8/29/2014 at 1:15 PM
Making a simple search on search field at the portal home, it does not provide all the matches for the keyword. For example, if you search for "re-create" on the search option of portal.smartertools.com, it only shows 5 links for KB, but only on SmarterStats subfolder there are 7 articles that begin with this keyword.
Is there any option to show everything or it is a bug?
If you do the same on KB internal page, it shows all the results.

11 Replies

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Yep. I wanted to report this as well but I see that it has been already reported. I'm wondering if something will be done with this.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
The main page of the Portal does limit results to the top 5 for both the Community and KBs. This is to keep the main portal page a bit cleaner and organized as results could be skewed to Community posts or KBs.
When you do searches on these pages in particular, you receive all search results for those areas.
So, this isn't a bug, it's by design.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ok but IMHO if someone is seeing only 5 results without info that this are only top 5 results then he thinks thats all. Can you consider adding info/link to more results? This will allow visitor to see all results and main page will remain cleaner as you mentioned (actually I don't agree with this since using search form is returning search results so this is not actually a main portal page but page with search results).
Another think (offtopic): who has marked this post as answer? You or thread creator?
Can this please be changed to an idea? It should be clear to the user that they are only seeing the top 5 results. Also there should be a link to show a full search result.
The design and look of a website should never come at the cost of functionality.
not me.
I couldn´t agree more. Thanks for your comment. I changed this to an idea, but I think the best status should be a bug. For me, a design that doesn´t work is a bug.
IMHO marking post as answered should not be so quick if it is being made by someone else than topic creator (especially when topic creator disagrees with post which was marked as answer).
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
Derek did as he should.  You asked a question, he answered it.  You then decided to change it to a Proposed Idea, which is great.  This is the EXACT path this should have took and demonstrates that our Community is well built and providing a positive experience to our customers. 
In regards to the Proposed Idea, we will monitor the Votes and peoples comments.
I am huge proponent that the main Portal page is the hub.  It is where we will be making much more information available now that it is a modular design.  In my opinion and why it is architected the way it is, we want users to find a little bit of everything.  If people intend to dig deeper or do specific work, they go to the appropriate area.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ok leave 5 results but let people know that there are more results with searched keyword (simple link like "more results" which will redirect to page with more results will be enough). I even have no idea how to compare it to something. It is like having google results without "next page" button so I have no idea that there are next page with more different results.

IMHO main portal page (portal.smartertools.com) in current state is not so interesting. Maybe information there provided are essential during first entering but I'm totally not interested seeing "Welcome to the SmarterTools Support Portal" and "Like, Follow, Learn, Circle and Connect" every time when I'm entering page (especially if I'm logged in"). Place which is being used by this sections is totally missued and that's why I've proposed possibility to select which ST page could be displayed when someone is entering main domain without any subpage:


sorry but when I'm entering portal.smartertools.com I'm even not looking at main page since I've already seen it dozens of times and I'm moving directly to Community. In my environment I would love to have possibility to move visitors directly to Knowledge Base. Ok. This was my 5 cents regarding main page usability/functionality.
I agree with Webio. I had no idea that only the top 5 results were showing and I am sure that is the case with my customers as well. If there are more than 5 results there should be a "show more results" link after the last item in the list. I understand good design but more important is good UI.

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