Unable to run Clam virus checks
Problem reported by ellisfr - 4/8/2015 at 2:15 AM
I do have a lot of messages like this in my delivery.log :
10:58:02 [94756] Unable to run Clam virus checks: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Aucune connexion n’a pu être établie car l’ordinateur cible l’a expressément refusée
   à System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   à System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP)
   à MailStore.Spam.ClamDClient.CheckScan()
10:58:03 Calls to ClamAV have failed many times.  Restarting the clamd process...
In english it means something like : connection couldn't be established because the target computer refused it
I also have a lot of failed connections when I look at the ClamAV Trend report :
Day Avg.
Connections Failed
4/2/2015 - 20683 8276
4/3/2015 - 23405 15
4/4/2015 - 9966 2
4/5/2015 - 8253 -
4/6/2015 - 10863 1
4/7/2015 - 24415 4632
4/8/2015 - 6904 2929
Total 0 104489 15855
Average 0 14927 2265
I don't know if both are related.
Any idea how I can try to fix this ?
Thanks !

16 Replies

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Bruce Barnes Replied
What version of SmarterMail?
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
CCWH Replied
Is your Clam standard, i.e. not the ClamSup change?
ellisfr Replied
SmarterMail v11.7.5318
ellisfr Replied
I use the ClamSup change since yesterday but I had these problems long before. And I didn't change the ClamAV, only got the new signatures.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
When you check your processes do you see clamd.exe running?
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
ellisfr Replied
Yes, clamd.exe is running, and I got new virus in the quarantine.
Steve Reid Replied
Try updating you clamAV setup as per http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a2583/how-to-greatly-improve-clamav-even-zero-hour-style-protection-for-free.aspx
ellisfr Replied
Thanks Steve, but I'm using this "ClamSup" setup already.
Steve Reid Replied
Joe also gives instructions on updating the ClamAV program.
ellisfr Replied
You're right, but I'm kind of afraid to update to the 64bits version for now !
ellisfr Replied
I now have more failed connections than normal connections !
09/04/2015 - connections 7255
failed connections 11461  
I looked at my 2 other SmarterMail servers, same version, same ClamAV, same settings and no errors.
Maybe something to do with the network settings, I'll look further.
I'll also try to disable hourly update of the ClamSup settings for the day, to see if it has something to do with the time clamd is restarted after updates...
Steve Reid Replied
I'm running windows 2012 r2. I made a backup of the program folder, installed C++ Redistributable Package 2010 x64, and copied our two config file to the bin folder. After that all I had to do was overwrite the program files with Joes zip. It was all working perfectly.
Webio Replied
5 cents from my environment.
I have 3 incoming gateways (date - connections - failed connections):
2015-04-04 - 23633 1
2015-04-05 - 23656 2
2015-04-06 - 24449 5
2015-04-07 - 48733 2458
2015-04-08 - 48725 4208
2015-04-09 - 49959 4132
2015-04-04 - 20378 82
2015-04-05 - 20411 1066
2015-04-06 - 22401 203
2015-04-07 - 28732 17922
2015-04-08 - 16507 32997
2015-04-09 - 34141 15344
2015-04-04 - 10758 -
2015-04-05 - 13523 1
2015-04-06 - 14475 2
2015-04-07 - 25278 6
2015-04-08 - 19854 368
2015-04-09 - 24318 9
On gateway number 1 I'm observing situation where 10 clamd.exe processes are running. On gateway 2 and 3 only one clamd.exe process is running. I'm using clamav provided by Joe with ClamSup updates being runned manyally once per day. I'm wondering maybe this failed connections are caused by some kind of failed AV DB update.
ellisfr Replied
I tried a lot of things today, disabling ClamSup updates, removing some signatures files, changing spool Delivery Delay, changing ClamAV Timeout in Antivirus Administration, with several stop/start of the SmarterMail service (waiting for clamd32 to exit), but the failed connection kept rising, and not a single new connection.
Then I simply unchecked "Enable ClamAV" in Antivirus Administration, waited for the failed connection to stop increasing, and enabled ClamAV again. It started to work again...
I'll keep monitoring the connection/failed connection count and see if it stays ok.
Joe Wolf Replied
Run netstat -anb from a command prompt and make sure clamd.exe is listening on TCP 3310. This actually sounds like more of a .net problem to me.
Thanks, -Joe
Matthias Maass Replied
I have the same problem with a brand new installed server. Did you find a solution to fix this problem?

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