Incorrect survey URL in Email
Problem reported by ASB Admins - 8/27/2014 at 5:42 AM
SmarterTrack 10.0.5192.26230 (IIS)
We had our SmarterTrack installation running on a temporary domain name (asbtrack.domain.com) until we decommissioned our old help ticket system.  Once it was decommissioned, we migrated SmarterTrack to the url helpdesk.domain.com.  I updated the base URL in general settings to match the domain name, but when ticket surveys are generated it is using the old URL of asbtrack.domain.com (which has no external DNS configured).
What am I missing to get the survey URL to correctly populate with the helpdesk.domain.com address?

4 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Have you tried stopping and restarting the SmarterTrack service to see if the base URL updates? Another solution would be to create a new survey that clones the existing survey and use that as a workaround. You can keep the older survey so that you can still report on the results, but the new survey should use the new URL.
I hope that helps.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
ASB Admins Replied
We restarted IIS and the old URL still appeared.
I also tried your other suggestion of creating a new survey and the old URL appeared in that as well.
This just seems odd to me since ticket URL's which we have in some emails are displaying correctly, just not the survey URL's.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
We may need remote access to the server or a copy of the database in order to troubleshoot this. Therefore, I'd suggest starting a support ticket for this issue so that you can work with one of our support agents to get this resolved. Restarting the service should have resolved any caching issues, but if that didn't work then something else is amiss.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Just to ensure this was not related to any bug within our latest release of SmarterTrack 10 (10.1.5318 at the time of writing this post) I attempted to replicate this same behavior within my test environment.
When I changed over from using smartertrack.server.local to helpdesk.server.local by changing the base URL and issuing an IIS reset my survey's were sending out with the correct URL.
I'm unable to replicate the same behavior. However, there may be other factors in place here that could be causing the issue you are facing. Does the same behavior occur if you were to upgrade your environment to the latest release of SmarterTrack 10.1 ? 
If the issue still occurs after an upgrade I would recommend opening a ticket with our support department and we should be able to get you squared away. 

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