We are experiencing the same problem. we deleted a user a long time ago and the admin account gets a bounce back stating the user does not exist.
The delivery logs show that the email to that user has been bounced.
No filed remain under that domain, the main accounts have no content filtering set, there are also no alias linked to send to that address either.
[2015.04.21] 07:58:46 [81921] Starting local delivery to x@x.com
[2015.04.21] 07:58:46 [81921] Bounce email written to 934327581927.eml
[2015.04.21] 07:58:46 [81921] Delivery for admin@blah.com to x@x.com has completed (Bounced)
[2015.04.21] 07:58:46 [81921] Delivery for admin@dsit.co.za to x@x.com has completed (Bounced)
Anyone that can help, would be great to get rid of this annoying issue.
Smarter Mail v13.3