Unable to sort output of Advanced Ticket Search in SmarterTrack
Problem reported by Webio - 2/26/2015 at 1:16 AM
I'm using SmarterTrack 10.5.5515.26491 and I've noticed that when I'm browsing search results of advanced search I can't change ordering to any option available. It looks like this issue only exists when using "Search string" keyword search in Advanced Search. When I'm searching using email field I can order results by any option available.

17 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Webio,
This is actually by design and referenced in the online help documents regarding searching. Because the results from the Search String field are already sorted based off of weight, the grid cannot be used to further sort the results (e.g., to be sorted by subject, group, idle time, etc.).
Webio Replied
Mmm .. I'm the only one who thinks that not having possibility to sort search results is not user friendly? For example I have some keyword describing an issue and I want to find most recent ticket content which contains this keyword among 100s of tickets. How I can do that when I can't order search results by "Idle" column?
Steve Reid Replied
Can this be changed to a suggestion, as I can definitely see the benefit in this.
Ivan Park Replied
This is very inconvinient, when you have a result set of 100+ tickts, and they need to be sorted by a manager by IDLE TIME.  Please make this functionality work.
Ivan Park Replied
I agree, Sort by IDLE is a must have!!
Serge Baranovsky Replied
Totally agree! How do I search and then find most recent tickets for that search? Do you cover that in your help documents?!?!
Serge Baranovsky Replied
Why do you keep removing features because you just decide so? Without offering an alternative! This is very frustrating! Do we need to sign a petition to get the search results sorting back?  Or do we just stop paying money for renewals and move elsewhere?
Serge Baranovsky Replied
Just wanted to mention that every time we do the search (which is several times a day) I hope you hear us swearing out loud you removed the advanced search result sorting. Your arbitrary "weight" based sorting doesn't work jack when we have to go through the list of dozens or even hundreds results to find the most recent ones! I hope you are happy! Us? We are definitely moving away from SmarterTrack!
Brian Ellwood Replied
I had the same beef about a lot of products and not being able to sort and was fortunate enough to find a browser extension that sorts tables by clicking in column headers
I use "HTML Table Auto Sort" for chrome and it works 99% of the places I want and need it (Apache server status, WHMCS billing system, etc)
Not sure if this would apply to Track but you could try it.
That being said, the grids just represents the data, I'm not sure why it should be "held hostage" to a weight pre-determined by an algorithm when manual sorting is clearly what the users want the capability of having (read: what harm would it do to unlock it?)
I would recommend the weight be the default sorting but every column header should make a grid or table sortable, it's just good UI/UX.
Serge Baranovsky Replied
Great idea Brian, thanks! Unfortunately the plugin doesn't work with SmarterTrack... :(
Steve Reid Replied
Pathetic that these types of requests are ignored.
Craig Clifford Replied
I, too, find this to be a problem. When I get the results of the search, I want to sort it MY WAY ... not by some predetermined order.
Serge Baranovsky Replied
Still "Not a Problem"? Very frustrating how you ignore the user needs. I thought I'd let you know that we are no longer a paying customer and in a process of moving to an alternative solution - and the search sorting situation is one of the top 3 reasons of that decision!
Antonio King Replied
Would probably help if you include your suggestions in their recently posted thread asking for suggestions. Likely with the intent of centralizing all ideas instead of searching for everything. 
You can post them here: http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a86741/discussion-smartertracks-search-functionality.aspx
Serge Baranovsky Replied
At this point I will let someone else to post that since I don't really care anymore - we are moving away from SmarterTack
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Serge. We started a new thread about the search functionality in SmarterTrack; you can find it here: http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a86741/discussion-smartertracks-search-functionality.aspx

Sorry, we should have added the link to the discussion thread to this topic and changed the status. I've done that now.

We're preparing for the next major versions of the products and I'd like to hear your thoughts. I'll send you an email so we can discuss your other reasons for wanting to move away. We'd love to keep you with SmarterTrack.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi all,
As Antonio mentioned above, please reference this thread for continuing SmarterTrack's search discussion: http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a86741/discussion-smartertracks-search-functionality.aspx
We'd like to centralize the conversation in order to prep for the next major version of SmarterTrack. 

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