how do i setup for email copies of recieved and sent emails to another email account
Question asked by kw - 2/15/2015 at 8:20 AM
i want to setup an email account that receives copies of all sent and received emails for my users.
what is the best way to do this without having to do for 30 users individually.  i woul dlike to do all emails for the domain

6 Replies

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Paul Blank Replied
Setting up message archiving in SM is one way to save copies of everything coming and going, although you'd then need to search the archive every time you need to see the emails - it does not automatically create a separate email account. I use this for recovering emails that were deleted or "messed up", by users or by mailbox corruption, and find it invaluable. You could also try mightyblue.com's Ultimate Spool Manager. I am using it to copy one user's SM account to another SM account, but I believe you could use it with wildcards and copy all mail account activity to a single account. Third, you might be able to do this with a domain-wide filter in SM, but I haven't looked much into that.
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi kw,
You can create a domain event that will copy all messages sent or received for your domain. To do this, use these steps as a guide: Copy Mail Sent To or From a Mailbox. Be sure you're logged in as the Domain Administrator and go to Settings > Domain Settings > Events. Follow the steps in the KB article to continue making the event. When logged in as the Domain Admin, you'll see that on the Conditions tab there is a field that cannot be edited called "To Domain". This indicates that any email sent to or received from that domain will trigger the event. 
I hope this helps!
kw Replied
thanks, question answered
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Glad I could help!
Corndogger Replied
Can the administrator account be the account to receive the backed up files? I'm trying to do so and it's not working.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Corndogger, the System Administrator would not be able to receive the copies of mail as that account does not have a mailbox attached to it.

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