Open a ticket automatically
Question asked by Océane Grossot - 2/12/2015 at 2:16 AM
In my company, our customers use a specific email adress to contact our support, for exemple : support@mycompany.com.
Each time an email is sent on this email address, we want that a new ticket opens automatically. Is it possible ?
Thanks for reply,

3 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Oceane,
For clarification are you asking for every email sent you want a new ticket open or are you just wanting a new ticket open for new issues?  By design SmarterTrack will append to the existing ticket as long as the ticket number is in the subject.  If you want SmarterTrack to create tickets off of emails that do not have the ticket number in the subject login as an admin account and go to Settings | System Settings | Organization | Department | (edit department) | Options tab and make sure "Enable ticket importing from POP" is check.  Then when the customer send it into support@mycompany.com SmarterTrack will import the email as a ticket.
Océane Grossot Replied
Hi Brian, thanks for your reply. I am asking for every email sent to our support email address. I add that I am currently using Smartertrack 11.0. Is it the same procedure ?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
The process of adding a POP account for your department is a bit different in version 11.x. Please follow these steps to find the POP accounts:
  1. Log in as the System Admin.
  2. Go to Settings > Configuration > Email
  3. Click on the POP tab.
  4. Edit the desired department by double clicking on the row or checking the box and choosing Edit in the content pane toolbar.
  5. Fill in the POP settings. For help on understanding the settings, please see the POP section of this help document. Though it is for version 10.x, the settings are very similar and the same definitions apply. In version 11.x, you'll see a new setting for "Who Can Start Email Tickets". Use this to choose the role that should be allotted to start tickets by email. 
  6. Click Save.
Please let me know if this answers your question so the thread's status can be changed accordingly. Thanks!

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