Requesting a report that lists the number of email accounts per domain
Idea shared by Jeff Schafer - 2/5/2015 at 3:10 PM
I am trying to see who has gone outside their mailbox usage limits. some domain admin create more email accounts than they are allowed.  It would be great if I could build and automate a report to be sent.  I have looked and cant find this report. Help!!

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Employee Replied
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Good day Jeff,
Thanks for the inquiry. You may log into the web interface as the System Administrator and the click on Reports | System Summary Reports | Traffic reports | Disk Usage. Select the domain to see what the size of the total domain is. Click on the domain and you can observe the users details.  The Max size is the limitation on the account / domain.  If there is anyone who is getting close to the threshold you may want to increase the levels or perhaps send them a message on removing emails or clean their folders.
You can also configure a System event to alert you of the size of a domain or when a user is close to the maximum mailbox size.
Thank You.
Hi Joe, I have a license for 1000 email users so I need to limit how may users each domain adds to the system. I am not as concerned about an individuals usage. I am more concerned about email administrators adding more users than my SM License can afford. Is there a way I can see all domains listed with the number of mail accounts each one has, without have to click on the domain and see the count, as you had suggested? What you are suggesting will take ages for me to get the info I need since I have 159 domains. I would like to see, in a single on page report all 159 domains with the count of users next to each. does that report exist or can I modify a standard report somehow?
Employee Replied
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Unfortunately, we don't have the report you're looking for. As Joe mentioned, we have a disc usage report that can be used to see the SIZE of your domains. I see the validity in your request though. I can understand how it would be tedious to click through each domain to see the user count. I'll change this thread to an Idea so that other users can vote it up. I'm going to modify your title of "How can I get a report that lists the number of email accounts per domain?" to something that indicates this is a request and not a question. In the meantime, I just want to let you know that you don't have to edit the domain to see the user count. If you click on a domain, the user count will be shown in the content pane to the right. You'll see Users under the Statistics section. It'll show you the number of users configured out of the number of users allowed for the domain. 
Also, in case you weren't aware of this, you can set a limit on the number of users that your domains can configure. You can use domain propagation to propagate a limit across all domains or limit domains individually. To limit domains individually, right click on the domain and click Edit. On the Limits tab, change the Users limit to whatever you want. And here are the instructions on how you can use Domain Defaults and Domain Propagation
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions. 
I wrote a batch file that will generate a CSV file that lists the number of users per domain for each domain on your server....
(You will need the free TSMADump tool available on that same page.)
You can easily import the file generated into Excel or Google docs to sort it and generate totals. 
Note that I wrote this to double check the user count that SmarterMail showed on the top of the "Domains" admin page. My real user count was significantly lower than the number of users shown.  Rebooting the server brought the numbers into agreement, but you should probably either count using this batch file or Reboot your server before upgrading your licence!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Josh, thanks for your reply here! We have a category in the Community for 'Product Tools and Utilities', and that could be a good place for you to crosspost this batch file download. Just start a new thread, choose the Product Tools and Utilities category and provide some inforamtion about the tool, if you're interested.
We are beginning to find ourselves in need of generating a monthly report showing amount of storage used and number of accounts per domain - for billing purposes.
Domain:         User Qty       Total Domain Storage Allocated       Total Domain Storage Used      EAS Qty
Any hope on getting an element/option added to the Admin reports area where you can pick and choose a few of the basic necessities like this to generate a report with?  Would be very very valuable.  Maybe even add an EAS ACCOUNTS IN USE option on the report??
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Randy. Thank you for your feedback! At this time, we don't have a way to generate a report with these specific items. For now, you can gather all of this information from different areas of the web interface. When you're logged in as the System Admin, head to the Manage icon > Domains area. Click on the Actions (...) button to access the "Export All CSV" option. This will generate a CSV file with your domain details. The CSV includes the domain name, disk size, max size allowed, number of users, max number of users allowed, and more. Then, head to the Settings icon > ActiveSync Mailboxes. On the By Domain tab, you can see how many users are enabled for ActiveSync per domain.

An alternative method is to use the API Web Services to generate your own custom report with these items. I believe there are API calls available for gathering those details.

This said, I've forwarded your thoughts to the development team and put in three requests: for generating custom reports within the web interface, for adding a count for EAS mailboxes actively being used, and for including the EAS mailbox count on the all domains CSV file.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
One other quick note for the request, "Maybe even add an EAS ACCOUNTS IN USE option on the report??"... We don't have a report with this information per domain. However, you can get a general idea of how many mailboxes are actually in use at the ActiveSync Mailboxes section. On the first tab, you can click on the Last Sync column header to sort the list by the sync dates. You can then narrow the list by searching per domain.

This isn't an ideal solution, especially for those with a large number of domains, but it's a possible workaround at the moment.

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