Follow these steps when creating your event for new tickets. Keep in mind, these may need to be slightly adjusted, depending on how much customization you need.
Go to Settings > Configuration > Events > New. For Category, choose Tickets. For Type, choose Ticket Created.
On the Conditions tab, you'll want to add any conditions to make this custom to your needs. If a notification email should be sent to the assigned agent for ANY new ticket, you can leave the conditions as is.
On the Actions tab, choose Add Action. For the action, choose Use Default Notification Profile for User (once per item). This will send the email to the assigned agent of the ticket (the agent must have a default notification profile configured for this to work). Customize the text as you wish.
The steps above will send a notification to an agent any time he/she receives a new ticket in their queue. To get the same notification email when tickets are replied to, create a new event and repeat these steps. The only difference needed is to choose a Type of Ticket Message Received instead of Ticket Created.
For descriptions on what each condition and action is for, please check out the
Ticket Events Help doc. If you need further assistance on creating your events, it may be best to reach out to our sales team by email for direct one-on-one assistance.
Hope this helps!