Inline images stripped out
Problem reported by david Lee - 1/30/2015 at 8:06 AM
Not A Problem
Any email I receive that has an inline image in it, will have that image automatically stripped out and attached as a separate file.  Is there any way that these images can be returned to their proper place in the the body of the text?
David Lee

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi David,
I believe this may be caused due to your personal settings. Go to Settings > My Settings > Account Settings > Webmail tab. You'll see an option for Display Format. Change the dropdown menu from Text to HTML and save. 
I tested this on my end, using 13.2, and it worked as expected. When I have HTML chosen, I see the inline images in the email body and as an attachment. When I change it to Text, the image is stripped out of the body and only shown as an attachment. Please test this out and let me know what you find. 
david Lee Replied
Hi Andrea,
I have reviewed the settings as suggest and it is already showing HTML.  However, I notice that I am still using 13.0, so is this a change in 13.1 or 13.2 ?
david Lee Replied
PROBLEM SOLVED (well at least identified)
For some reason the email where the images were not showing correctly have been forwarded to me from our Exchange server that had archived the original email.  This had the side effect of renaming the image in such a way that it was no longer understandable by any system other than itself.
The problem hasn't gone away for me but at least it isn't a smartermail problem.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for the update, David! I'm glad you were able to pinpoint the problem. I'm going to go ahead and change the status of this thread to Not a Problem, since you were able to find that it is not SmarterMail stripping the image out.

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