Mobile Version Session Cookies
Idea shared by Craig Severance - 8/4/2014 at 6:11 AM
Under Consideration
Can you fix it so that it does not require you to authenticate each time you access the mobile version email interface. This is annoying since it takes you back to login page each time if you close the browser and have to navigate through all of the menus to get to the inbox. Also can you set it up so that there is a default (such as going directly to inbox) when you login instead of needing to tell it to go to inbox each time.

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
I've added this to the discussion list for the developers. I also changed this to an Idea. While it may techincally be a "Problem" as the session times out and you have to re-log in, having it as an Idea makes is a bit easier to track responses. Thanks for the suggestion. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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