Can I reset the local admin password from the domain admin account (root)?
Question asked by Ryan McNamee - 1/26/2015 at 12:37 PM
I need to access the protocol section of the local admin account to change the allowable attachment file sizes that can be sent in outgoing mail. I am the new IT admin at my company and have been unable to obtain this info from anyone here. TIA for any help or advise.

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Ryan.
This KB article will explain how to reset the Sys Admin password.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Ryan,
Glad I was able to find this thread! I see you posted a comment on the KB Rod shared with you. From what you mentioned in the KB comments, it seems that you'll need to contact your hosting company. Based on your account email address (if that's your SmarterMail account), it looks like HostMySite.com is managing your email. I'd try contacting them for assistance with this as they'd be the ones with the System Admin access. 
I hope this helps!

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