Disable Email folders
Question asked by Danny Blackston - 1/22/2015 at 3:07 PM
I started working for a company and the previous employee used the smarter mail interface exclusively. He set up folders for everyone in the office. So now that I have taken the position, I am wanting to use outlook, however, I can not figure out how to undo where he set all the emails to go to the different folders in smarter mail system. Any help on how to undo this so all the mail comes into my outlook would be greatly appreciated.

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Danny,
It sounds as though the previous employee set up content filtering.  If this is the case you can go to Settings > Filtering > Content Filtering to see any filters that were set up.  You can delete the filters from there so new messages will only be directed to your inbox.  If you want to remove the messages from the other folders you can either select the message(s), click Actions > Move and select the new location, or you can click and drag the messages to the new location.
If you need any further assistance feel free to contact customer service at sales@smartertools.com or 877-357-6278.

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