Brand Drop down Box
Idea shared by jeremy aurich - 1/16/2015 at 9:37 AM
I have a user that only is assigned to one brand via Group, but that user still sees the other brand options in the drop down. I think you would only want to offer the appropriate brands that the user actually has access to.

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This is a suggestion I asked for long ago. I was informed there was no plans to change the behavior.
It makes sense that certain settings would be global across the board.
I don't understand why a person should see all Brands if they not assigned to the group. The list should only be displaying brands the person or agent is assigned to.
Would go a long long way towards allowing external accounts access to the back end to track their tickets for their company without them seeing anything else they don't need to see.
I would like to add my support to this feature request. Seems it should just be a matter of adding some filtering to the drop down list to only display Brands a person is assigned to support.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I'm going to go ahead and change this to a proposed idea so other users may vote this up.

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