Upgrade a User to an Employee
Question asked by Donavon McKigney - 12/23/2014 at 2:21 PM
Is there a way to make a User into an Employee without having to delete the User account and create a new Employee account since the email addresses have to be unique?

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Donavon,
Thanks for the inquiry. I confirmed that you would not be able to 'upgrade' an existing User to an Employee or vice versa. Once the account has been assigned the status of either a User or Employee then you can not have both. You would need to remove one before you can add the other.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Here's some information on this found in one of our KB articles. Hope this provides some more insight: http://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2957/why-cant-i-convert-a-user-to-an-employee.aspx
Donavon McKigney Replied
Thanks  Joe and Anrdea for responding so quickly.
Donavon McKigney Replied
Another question then.  If Users and Employees are separate, then why can't I create an employee with the same email address as a User?

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