Outlook - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC80)
Question asked by PennineNick - 12/18/2014 at 7:31 AM
Our clients have started to report that Outlook is throwing an error when trying to send emails through our server:
Sending' reported error (0x800CCC80)
'None of the authentication methods supported by this client are supported by your server.'
Anyone any clue what might be causing this.  I was going through our settings checking them against Bruces latest anti-spam settings when this apparently started, but fixing it has baffled me.
We're on SmartMail v13.1.5451
Many thanks ....

4 Replies

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John Marx Replied
Microsoft has information regarding that error along with fixes.
One other solution I found is:
Goto Tools,
Then Goto Account settings,
Select E-mail Tab,
Select your account,
Then click on Repair,
Click Next,
In Internet E-mail Settings,
Select More Settings,
In Outgoing Server tab deselect all the check boxes or provide correct user name and password.
Then click OK,
Then click Next,
Finally click Finish.
PennineNick Replied
Thanks for your reply John.  Already tried that.  I later found that in SmarterMail while going through some settings earlier I had inadvertantly checked the box "Disable AUTH LOGIN method for SMTP authentication" on the SMTP_IN protocol settings.  Unchecking this seems to have fixed that error.
Steve Reid Replied
Yeah that setting baffles me. They might as well call it: "Disable Outlook connectivity", and who would wan to stop their client form using outlook?
SmarterUser Replied
Just ran into this problem, too. It also kills iPhone ability to send.

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