AutoDiscover and Basic Setup
Question asked by Chinmay Khandekar - 12/17/2014 at 10:06 AM
We are trying out SmarterMails so we are a newbie in Windows Environment we all have worked on complete linux environment only.
We have setup SmarterMails with Web Interface.We are having trouble in auto discovery part and also the Outlook or Mails Servers won't recognize the server therefore we are using Smarter Mail through web interface only.!
We have added that IIS binding as well to Port 80 would 443 be necessary as well??
I have added the following A records and SRV text
Is the SRV & A record correct?
But I am unable to have any response from checking through command prompt. I get error as DNS Request Timed out.
I fail to understand where I am going wrong.

4 Replies

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Joe Wolf Replied
I tested your DNS entries. Your "A" record replies fine, but your SRV record fails. You need to check the syntax of the SRV record... something is wrong. Your picture does not show the entire SRV record name. And yes you have to have bindings in IIS to both port 80 and 443, but that's not your current problem. You have a DNS problem at the moment with your SRV record.
Thanks, -Joe
Michael Lewis Replied
Use Microsoft's tool to check your autodiscover record. Choose the "Microsoft Office Outlook Connectivity Tests". You will fail all except the last section when it specifically test your auto record - you should pass this and if not, it will help you figure out what is in error.
My Other suggestions: http://bit.ly/segoideas
Chinmay Khandekar Replied
Hi, The Entire name on left side is _autodiscover._tcp.cspacehostings.com When i set bindings in IIS to 443 pointing to smail.cspacehostings.com i get the following error Server Error in '/' Application. ------------------------------ *The resource cannot be found.**Description: *HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly. *Requested URL: */Login.aspx
Joe Wolf Replied
I checked your DNS again and found the problem. The SRV record replies as: _autodiscover._tcp.cspacehostings.com.cspacehostings.com So you need to remove the "cspacehostings.com" from the left side since your server automatically appends the domain name to the record. So the left side should be "_autodiscover._tcp.". On the IIS binding... if SmarterMail is on it's own static IP Address then leave the name blank and give that a try. -Joe
Thanks, -Joe

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