I have content filters for people I receive from.
I enter there emails and they go wherever I tell them. Yet when I block someone the emails will still arrive in my inbox. When I block people though I also add them as SPAM and they still arrive in my junk email.
For the past week I have taken this a step further and manually created a new filter for the ones I would have blocked and told them to go to a new folder called "Crap" (an alternate to junk mail to make certain it works). Why is it when I make a content filter my "crap" folder fills up yet if I either block a sender, add as spam or even both they still arrive in my junk email? Obviously the filtering is smarter than the blocking/junk mail filtering.
So after all of that I guess can we get BLOCK or MARKED AS SPAM to just move them reliably to the junk mail folder? If I as a simple human can do it reliably and consistently I would anticipate a computer could be a lot more efficient than my simple test I did this week.